All the photos of Isabel Preysler and Miguel Boyer’s getaway to Egypt with a teenager Chábeli Iglesias

All the photos of Isabel Preysler and Miguel Boyer’s getaway to Egypt with a teenager Chábeli Iglesias
All the photos of Isabel Preysler and Miguel Boyer’s getaway to Egypt with a teenager Chábeli Iglesias

What a surprise he had prepared for his eldest daughter, Chábeli, the woman who monopolized all the covers of gossip magazines, Isabel Preysler. The year was 1987 and Chábeli was living in Miami with her father and her two brothers Julio and Enrique and during Easter of that year she traveled to Spain with a friend, Susana Rodríguez, to spend a few days with her mother and her little sister. , Tamara Falcó, who was only five years old at that time.

Surprise getaway

Isabel Preysler had been secretly preparing a getaway to Egypt, advised by Miguel Boyer, who, in addition to being former Minister of Economy and Finance and, at that time, president of the Foreign Bank of Spain, was an accomplished Egyptologist, a passion that managed to infect Isabel.

Isabel Preysler, Miguel Boyer and Chábeli, who was 15 years old at the time.

Readings File

The couple formed by Isabel Preysler and Miguel Boyer were living the happiest moments of their relationship. Their romance was a bombshell in the press and gave rise to what in those years was known as the ‘beautiful people’, that is, personalities close to Felipe González’s government, businessmen and millionaires who began to interact with people closest to them. to the world of the heart.

That elitist group could include names such as Mario Conde, Mariano Rubio, the Albertos (Cortina and Alcocer), the Koplowitz sisters, Carmen Posadas, Marta Chávarri… And of course, Miguel Boyer and Isabel Preysler, without a doubt, the most media of all of them.

Isabel prepared the trip to surprise her daughter.

Readings File

Five years as a couple and two years living together

Isabel and Miguel had been in a relationship for several years. They started fooling around in 1982 – the year in which Felipe González came to power – and three years later, when the news of their romance hit the media, after several years of secret meetings, they decided to move in together. She was still married to Carlos Falcó, Marquis of Griñón, and he, to the gynecologist Elena Arnedo.

The magazine Lecturas thus recounted the trip to Egypt of the couple and the eldest daughter of Isabel Preysler and Julio Iglesias. “Chábeli did not know that upon her arrival in Madrid, from Miami – where she is spending this year with her father, Julio Iglesias –, her mother had a surprise in store for her for the Easter holidays: nothing less than a trip to Egypt.”

The pyramids, your first objective

Touring the pyramids of Giza.

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Of course, a must-see when traveling to Egypt for the first time are the famous pyramids. “Accompanied by a friend of Chábeli, Susana Rodríguez, the four headed towards Cairo; there, as soon as they arrived, they went to the pyramids, where the admiration was reflected in the faces of Isabel and her daughter. Miguel had already been there “Readings explained.

Miguel Boyer, an expert on the Egypt of the pharaohs, was the perfect guide for Isabel, Chábeli and their friend. Thanks to his explanations, everyone was able to imbibe the culture of ancient Egypt and the meaning of such emblematic constructions.

Chábeli traveled to Spain from Miami, where he lived with his father, Julio Iglesias.

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“During their tour, they visited the pyramid of Cheops, the only one that can be seen inside: then they continued to that of Khafre and Mycerinus and, later, the Sphinx,” commented Lecturas.

The sphinx, a mandatory stop

Chábeli and her friend Susana were impressed with the Sphinx, which completes the architectural complex of the pyramids of Giza and is a mandatory stop for every visitor.

Isabel and Miguel photograph Chábeli before the sphinx.

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The group, which enjoyed a few days in Egyptian lands, also had the intention of taking a cruise along the Nile. During that cruise, in addition to learning about all the characteristics of what the great river means to the inhabitants of the country, several temples were visited. that rise on its banks, such as that of Horus, Philae and, of course, those of Luxor and Karnak, among others, as well as the Valley of the Kings, another visit that tourists should not overlook.

Waiting for divorce

Isabel Preysler’s happiness was undoubted – it is said that Miguel Boyer was the husband she loved the most – and she was looking forward to marrying him. Boyer had already divorced Elena Arnedo, but Isabel was waiting for her divorce from the Marquis of Griñón to become effective.

“I love it”. This is how Isabel Preysler recognized the impact that Miguel Boyer had on her when she met him, during the famous Mona Jiménez lentils, an event in which public relations brought together celebrities of all types and conditions. After those lentils, the couples formed by Isabel Preysler and Carlos Falcó, and Miguel Boyer and Elena Arnedo, became very friends. The then Minister of Economy was also subjugated by the charm of Julio Iglesias’ ex-wife.

Two “wonderful” years

In 1987, Lecturas magazine published: “The couple, who have been living together for two ‘wonderful’ years, are happy because Isabel is about to sign her divorce from the Marquis of Griñón and will be able to get married.”

Isabel’s wish is almost one hundred percent fulfilled. “I would like to marry Miguel before the end of the year,” the Filipino confessed, exclusively, to Lecturas magazine. The truth is that their wedding took place on a cold morning on January 2, 1988 at the courthouse on Pradillo Street in Madrid.

secret wedding

Isabel and Miguel had been able to keep the secret of their wedding even from their own children. They got up that morning, left Isabel’s children sleeping, and went to the courthouse, which, due to Boyer’s influence, was opened for them even though it was a holiday.

Isabel Preysler and Miguel Boyer secretly married on January 2, 1988.

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The judge who married them, José María Ferrer de la Fuente, found out about the event just two days before, as he revealed to Tiempo magazine: “I found out two days before that I was going to be the one to marry them.. From high places they recommended absolute discretion to us. The reason given was that The news could cause a disturbance of public order and hence the couple’s request.”

Together they had a daughter, Ana Boyer, born on April 18, 1989. She was the fifth child for Isabel and the third for Miguel. The love lasted until the death of the former minister on September 14, 2014, as a result of the consequences of a stroke suffered two and a half years earlier.

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