Pachu Peña’s unexpected personal confession: “Only once”

Pachu Peña’s unexpected personal confession: “Only once”
Pachu Peña’s unexpected personal confession: “Only once”

Pachu Pena surprised by making a private confession and generated great controversy. The famous actor and comedian referred to the way he handles himself in public exposure and told of the drastic decision he made some time ago and that he continues to maintain to this day.

In a recent interview he gave with María Laura Santillán for TeleshowPeña took a tour of his career, the ups and downs he went through and how he learned to manage them. Precisely, on this last point, he confessed that he does not do therapy and that he has a particular way of dealing with any other problem he has.

“I don’t call anyone if I’m sick. No, I’m very introverted. I solve mine with a coffee, with a glass of beer”, he began by saying. Thus, he assured that he does not believe that the therapy can have any kind of effect on him because “he does not like to talk” if he is forced to. Finally, he concluded on the subject: “I only went to a psychologist or psychiatrist once, I don’t remember. I had to come back the other week. I said, Why do I have to come back if I don’t feel like talking? And I canceled. I paid for it and I didn’t. I came back more.”

Likewise, Peña also spoke about the current situation in the country and showed his anguish about the poverty rate: “I am very aware of what has always been happening. I am very concerned about the growing poverty, the destitution. Since I was a child I remember seeing people on the street or people begging and nothing has changed. I don’t think a plan was ever thought of for people who have nothing. And we continue to fail. Governments pass and they continue to fail and poverty continues to grow.”

Bye Without Coding: Pachu Peña’s comment that distances him from Telefe

Pachu Pena He is one of the most recognized comedians of the Argentina who captivated his audience with his works in television next to Marcelo Tinelli and then he shone with several of his colleagues on the iconic program Danger Uncoded. In the last few hours, the actor made a series of unexpected comments against Telefethe channel where the cycle was last broadcast, which moves it further and further away, thinking of a return.

Without a doubt that Pachu Pena He is one of the comedians like Yayo, Freddy Villarreal, Pichu Straneoamong others, who began to forge their success in the show since the time of videomatch with Marcelo Tinelli. Then they made their way, although they maintained their link with “El Cabezón” and participated in some jobs. However, what Pachu explained in a recent interview puts him on the opposite side of Telefe.

“I had the image of Telefe like the family channel, and see this girl (Furia) from Big Brother When you shout, everything is very violent. I swear I couldn’t believe it,” expressed openly in dialogue with A thousand things at once, by Re FM 107.3. “It seems to me that they are aiming for the rating and not to take care of the producer who was Big Brother before,” added the comedian, making his position clear regarding how the cycle led by Santiago Del Moro.

“They are looking for the final number, they are going to keep this girl,” he considered.. Weeks ago, Pachu spoke with Juan Etchegoyen in Miter Live and had also criticized the format of the reality show Telefethe signal where you last worked with Danger Uncoded. “I can’t find an explanation for the phenomenon of that reality show.. I don’t look at it nor have I ever looked at it. My children see it and it is a phenomenon to analyze“I don’t know where the hook is, if people are moved by the kids who are inside the house but it is a format that works for Telefe, I don’t know where the attraction comes from,” he had said.

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