“He is desperate to reconcile”

“He is desperate to reconcile”
“He is desperate to reconcile”

The relationship of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt It ended years ago, but the problems between them continue to be the focus of everyone’s attention today. Not only because of his multiple legal battles, such as the one still active over his French vineyard, but also because of how the relationship has worsened of the actor with his six children: Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne.

progressively some of them have even dropped their father’s last name. The last to do so was Shiloh, who hired and paid her own attorney to handle her petition. Now, several sources close to the case have spoken with Us Weekly about how badly the interpreter is handling the situation: “Brad has stayed devastated for your choice. For him it was more than a name change: it was a symbol of distancing deeper, but one that has been brewing for years. I used to be very close to Brad and his family but that relationship has changed in recent years,” a source explained.

“Unfortunately, Brad it doesn’t have much relationship with his kids. He’s not willing to give them up but knowing they’re doing away with his last name is sad. Brad is putting on a brave face, but behind closed doors find it extremely difficult to accept what’s happening. The children have struggled to forgive and connect with Brad since the divorce. Her mother is the head of the family and she has raised them with love and selflessness all her life. Once Brad left, he went very difficult for them to see him in a war with his mother,” said a second source.

“Unfortunately, your gap It has only expanded over time. The children found it difficult to reconcile with Brad despite his repeated apologies and efforts to rebuild trust. Brad’s relationship with Maddox and Pax is non-existent at this point, and he barely if ever hears from Zahara. Maddox was very affected by the plane incident and has taken it upon himself to be Angelina’s protector,” explains the source about his relationship with her eldest children.

Meanwhile, in the report another source has blamed everything on Jolie and her older children: “Angelina is the one who pursues him Because of Miraval, Brad is only trying to see his children, not bring her or her businesses down.” To this he added that the opinion of the older children “has infected” that of the little ones. Although they are the only ones he sees sporadically, Knox and Vivienne: “I used to Facetime with them and he was much more involved in their lives, but the dynamic has changed“.

“Brad makes a great effort to pamper the children when they spend time with him. Order your favorite meals and make the most of those few hours. She is very secretive and does everything she can to not be photographed.” But the source says that Angelina “is quite the opposite, she is very aware of when she is being watched and know your image of a loving mother.”

The different points of view on the situation

Many of the statements point to Brad blaming Angelina for the tense family dynamic: “He feels that the negative narrative that Angelina presents to the children is an obstacle important in your efforts to reconnect. Since Angelina has daily influence over the children, Brad it is almost impossible change your perceptions. This is textbook parental alienation. Angelina targeted Shiloh from the beginning because she was the closest to Brad.”

Although others justify the children’s decision: “The children know what they experienced. For anyone to suggest that she controls them is out of line. You can’t physically attack your wife and children and then sue her and say, ‘But she turned the children against me.’ That is not right. He is still trying to punish her for opposing his abuse of her. He really just needs to let her go and let your children heal and find peace. “That has been Angelina’s priority all along.”

What many have agreed on is that the actor “has apologized for his past actions and recognizes his anger problems and the influence of alcohol on his behavior. He is desperate to make peace with his kids”.

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