Fátima Flórez broke the silence two months after her separation with Javier Milei – GENTE Online

Fátima Flórez broke the silence two months after her separation with Javier Milei – GENTE Online
Fátima Flórez broke the silence two months after her separation with Javier Milei – GENTE Online

Fatima Florez spoke for the first time in an interview about the president of the Nation, Javier Milei, with whom he had a dating relationship for just over six months. Her love story had become public in mid-2023 and it was on April 12 of this year that the breakup was known.

In dialogue with Nelson Castrofor your program The Correspondent (TN), the artist spoke about the relationship she had and stressed that she was never interested in political issues: “I look back and say that, because of those things about destiny, about life, I had to be a girlfriend, I fell in love, with a person who had to be president”.

“They are those things in life, that I could have been a businessman, an actor or a footballer. Any profession. One falls in love with the person or has a connection with a person. Then work is secondary“, remarked the impersonator, who in some of her shows has played Milei himself.

Asked about the exposure he had in the political sphere, outside her usual artistic space, Fátima stated that it never affected her: “There has been talk about the crack for years. But I don’t think it affected me. I am a human being who operates freely and I don’t have to repress something I feel. If I felt falling in love and I felt a connection, why would I repress it? I handle myself like this in life, with my heart. That’s what rules. There are no party politics or anything like that that affects me, it’s just the heart.”

What Fátima Flórez said about the end of her relationship with Javier Milei

Dressed as Madonna, a product of one of the rehearsals for the show she gave this Saturday at Luna Park, Fátima Flórez was encouraged to catalog what her bond with President Javier Milei was: “It was a very nice, sincere, genuine relationship, with a lot of connection.”.

When inquiring about the end of that stage together, Fátima assured that it is not an issue that affects her: “I don’t think about the end of the relationship. I think they are energies that occur in people’s lives. I’m not surprised. We are two people with a lot of work, a lot of commitment, each one doing their own thing, with similar tasks. Surely his is much more arduous than mine. I take it very freshly, I go through it very well. I think sometimes what is said is more than what one really feels. and I have a very good relationship.”

When asked if she is still in love with Milei, Fátima smiled and evaded the question: “I’m still in love… with my profession. Deeply in love with that, which has been with me for so many years, which gives me so much happiness. You, my audience, who are at home watching me, chose me so many years ago. It gives me a lot of emotion that people choose me after so many years.accompany me in the summer seasons, in this Luna Park, I get really excited.”

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