The reason for Bertín Osborne’s daughters to celebrate during their father’s worst moment

Bertin OsborneHe is not going through his best moment on a personal level after becoming a father at 69 years old. The singer has been immersed in a battle with Gabriela Guillén, mother of his newborn son. A war that seems to have calmed down a bit last week after sending a statement to the press in which he assumed paternity of the little one.

«Bertín Osborne wanted to make public today his commitment to provide the best future for the baby that Gabriela Guillén gave birth to 5 months ago, thus normalizing the relationship with the businesswoman who was the singer’s partner at the time and showing maximum responsibility. with this minor,” can be read at the beginning of the writing.

The singer “has considered it essential to put an end to a situation that was not beneficial for either the mother or the baby.” In addition, he complained about his first reactions when it turned out that Gabriela Guillén was pregnant since “they were not the most appropriate.” “He wants to amend them with facts that allow giving the best possibilities to the minor,” the statement adds. Thus, the presenter confessed that “I was wrong, and I don’t want to continue doing it. Gabriela deserves all my respect and of course above us is a minor who has to grow up in harmony, away from any controversy. It is a responsibility that I assume.

While the artist makes headlines in the gossip press due to the controversy with the young model and mother of his last child, the rest of his descendants met this past weekend with a great reason for celebration: the proposal for the hand of Ana Cristina Portillo. The young woman is the daughter of Sandra Domecq -who was Bertín Osborne’s ex-wife- and the businessman Fernando Portillo and her sisters have gathered to celebrate with her her future marriage union with Santiago Camachowith whom she has been in a relationship for more than seven years.

Although the couple will walk through the altar next September, both did not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate the traditional ‘proposal’ a few months before. A meeting in which the couple formally announces their engagement to a small number of people, including their closest family and friends.

“Yesterday was a very special day. Although we were missing people very important, it was a day of joy and celebration,” wrote Eugenia Eugenia Osborne on his Instagram profile along with a series of images in which you can see some details of the celebration.

Although it has not been clear whether the absence to which the young woman refers is to her father Bertín – because for him she is just another daughter – or to her mother, Sandra Domecq, who died in 2004.

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