The German press focuses on a very specific detail about Queen Letizia and defines her with a single word

The German press focuses on a very specific detail about Queen Letizia and defines her with a single word
The German press focuses on a very specific detail about Queen Letizia and defines her with a single word

The anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI was not only news within our borders. Numerous international media covered the ten years that the monarch has been on the throne and analyzed in detail not only the role of the king but also the appearance of his daughters and Queen Letizia. The Royal Family has managed to consolidate itself outside of Spain and occupy the covers and pages of newspapers and portals. Everything ends up being news. Something that, years ago, was unthinkable.

While the French press rescued the covers that were published when King Felipe ascended the throne, the German press focused on Queen Letizia. Fascinated by her style, the German media follows the queen’s every step and analyzes her appearances in detail. It is not the first time they have surrendered to Letizia and more so when it comes to official appearances. Among the reigning houses, the Spanish one has managed to position itself at the first level. Even above the British, a classic when everything talks about international royalty.

Letizia, who appeared at the Royal Palace without the slippers she usually wears due to the illness she suffers from, endured the acts firmly. Of course, she had to sit down from time to time because of the pain she suffers. It was this circumstance that has overshadowed everything related to the proclamation in the eyes of the German press.

The German media analyzes Queen Letizia in detail

The ‘Bunte’ newspaper defined Queen Letizia with a single word: bravery. “Queen Letizia seemed to be in poor health,” they point out from the aforementioned media. “Letizia has been suffering from a disease in her left foot for some time, which was diagnosed in 2022 as Morton’s neuroma, a painful change in the metatarsal area.” They also explain the breakage that caused her situation to worsen.

“Despite his pain, Letizia was brave and did not reveal anything during the celebrations“, they point out. “She confidently wore open-toed shoes and gold strappy sandals. There was hardly any sign of the broken toe, only a small cast covered his foot and toes.” And, for the first time, we were able to easily observe the dressing that the queen wears on her foot to heal the break she suffered in a domestic accident.

“From time to time the queen cast a critical glance at her foot, but in general she did not let the pain show,” they observe. The German press highlighted the spirit that the queen maintained at all times and her fortitude despite not being in the best moment of her health. Just the appearance of a stool so she could rest denoted that Letizia’s condition is not the best.

Two adjectives that shine in the international press when talking about Felipe and Letizia

While the German press described the proclamation anniversary event as “magnificent”, it was the British media that took everything a step further. The ‘Daily Mail’ described the Spanish royal family as a “fabulous family”. A wink between English and Spanish to make it clear that there is no one on the international royal scene right now who shines more than the Spanish.

It is not common for criticism to be published about the role of Felipe and Letizia or their daughters. The correctness that they always carry in all their appearances and the naturalness with which Leonor and Sofía express themselves conquer. His surprise to his father for the anniversary of his ten years as king dominated all the media. Without possibly intending it, it was that moment that made everything change.

The new Zarzuela team is, without a doubt, doing its job. There is an enormous change in the way of communicating, approaching citizens and opening the institution. The proclamation acts have been the best example. Varied, unexpected and with the kings and their daughters greeting everyone present in the courtyard of the Royal Palace. The Royal Family leaves its glass cage and embarks on a new path where the Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía are going to have a leading role.

Your first big measure for the new era

It is no coincidence that on this date Zarzuela wanted to open the Royal Family’s Instagram profile to the public. Late, yes, because all the other reigning houses have had their social networks for a long time. Felipe, Letizia, Leonor, Sofía and the queen emeritus arrive on Instagram to share your messages, your unpublished photographs and those videos that seek virality. A declaration of intent about where the monarchy is headed and, above all, who is part of the Royal Family.

There is still a lot of work to do to put ourselves in the shoes of the British Royal House. The Windsors not only share everything through their communications team, but they also send personalized messages from each of the members. They do this by indicating their initials to know who is speaking. Will we see Queen Letizia writing in her own handwriting on her social networks? It seems that, for now, it will be complicated.

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