Michelle Adam’s comment about men got laughs

Michelle Adam’s comment about men got laughs
Michelle Adam’s comment about men got laughs

Michelle Adam protagonizó un cómico momento durante la tarde de este viernes, luego de que hiciera un comentario sobre el comportamiento de los hombres.

Lo anterior, a causa del sistema frontal que afecta a la zona centro sur del país, lo que ha provocado anegamientos en varias calles de la región Metropolitana.

Michelle Adam sacó aplausos este viernes

It was during a special broadcast of Your daywhere they showed the floods in different parts of the city, when the meteorologist noticed a situation.

Specifically, Michelle Adam alluded to the number of vehicles that were parked in the flooded streets, which the drivers entered without caring about the amount of water accumulated in the place, being mostly men.

Given this, he maintained: “One thing must also be said, this generally happens to men. “We haven’t seen any women, it’s not to generate a sexist controversy.”

And he added: “Let’s say things as they are, we have not seen any woman who takes risks, because one looks and says: ‘I won’t pass through here.’ A cautious woman is worth two, isn’t she?”

Michelle Adam’s comment drew applause and laughter in the studio, and she later justified her comment: “I’m sorry, but I had to say it, because I had it there.”

“This is a declaration of the war of the sexes. We are going to do an in-depth analysis of who drives better,” added José Luis Repenning, and then agreed with his partner: “Really, the statistics say that they are more prudent than men.” “.

“Men believe they are superheroes,” Michelle Adam concluded amidst the laughter of her colleagues in the morning studio. Your day, and then give the pass to the note on the ground.

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