The surprising change of attitude of María José y Chema, mother and brother of Antonio Tejado

The surprising change of attitude of María José y Chema, mother and brother of Antonio Tejado
The surprising change of attitude of María José y Chema, mother and brother of Antonio Tejado

On May 20, one of the best news arrived for those around Antonio Tejado (36 years old). After being in provisional prison since February, he was finally able to be released on parole after having been requested on two previous occasions by the lawyer of María del Monte’s nephew (62 years old). However, on the 7th and 21st of each month he has to appear at the court to sign as one of the precautionary measures that were filed against him.

From the first moment, the nephew of the tonadillera has had several undoubted and unconditional supports. They are his mother, María José, and his brother, Chema. Every day they went to the Seville prison where he was imprisoned to visit him and try to cheer him up. However, when he has just completed a month since his release from prison, the attitude of his family has suffered. a less striking change.

The surprising change of attitude of Antonio Tejado’s mother and brother

The former ‘GH DUO’ contestant has been adapting to his new life outside of prison for a month. Although he has certain limitations to be able to comply with what was agreed with the judge until a ruling is issued on the events that allegedly led him to enter the penitentiary center, in the meantime he is trying to recover his normal life with the wish of not having to go back to jail.

In the midst of all this, your loved ones are playing a very important role. No one wants to leave Antonio alone, since he has had to deal with different situations that would have even led him to need psychological help from professionals. That is why both his mother and his brother have become his main supportsthose who are aware of him and everything he does day after day.

However, the change in attitude they have undergone in the last month has been surprising, to say the least. Before the release of María del Monte’s nephew it was common to see them in different places. However, they limited themselves to making some type of statements to make clear the trust they had in their family memberespecially everything related to Tejado’s presumption of innocence.

However, in the last month they have barely been seen. It is true that the media pressure for this case has been reduced. But regardless of this, the press continues to consider them as people of interest, since there is very little data that transcends Antonio’s condition. However, both José María and Chema They are completely missing from the media spheretrying to recover his usual life before everything blew up.

María José’s reaction to the release of Antonio Tejado

The day María del Monte’s nephew was released, the family could not contain their happiness. Antonio Tejado’s lawyers had tried by all means to get him to leave the penitentiary center but for various reasons they had not been able to do so. Therefore, it was a reason for celebrationsince they believe for a fact that he had nothing to do with the robbery of the home of his aunt and his wife, Inmaculada Casal.

“She is crazy happy. When I talked to her I was crying very excited because he had been having a bad time for a long time, just like Antonio’s brother,” Anabel Gil explained in ‘Espejo Público’ that same day. “When she spoke to him this morning, Antonio still didn’t know because he called her very early, so he must have found out from the press,” the journalist added.

On the other hand, they also wanted to talk about the moment in which their relationship with the singer was. “She told me that neither Antonio nor her brother nor she wants to see her, they don’t want to know anything about her or have any relationship,” he expressed. “They don’t even want to see it. They don’t care if there is a restraining order because they are not going to approach her now or ever,” the journalist declared forcefully after having spoken with María José.

During all these months the possible relationship between the assaulted women and their relatives has been in question. However, neither party has expressed itself, beyond stating that they are not going to have any type of relationship. In part, due to the restraining order that has been filed as one of the conditions of the release of Antonio Tejado. In any case, we will have to wait for the judge to hand down the sentence to know the final result of the trial and to know in that case how the different family relationships evolve.

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