the four most important decisions he has made since Zarzuela

the four most important decisions he has made since Zarzuela
the four most important decisions he has made since Zarzuela

Nobody would have said on October 17, 2002, when Felipe and Letizia (51 years old) met by chance at a dinner held by Pedro Erquicia (host of ‘Documentos TV’), that meeting was going to change the lives of the journalist and the prince forever. An evening in which both chatted happily and in which the King already knew that the Asturian woman was special. It was not until November 3, 2003 (a year later) that they stopped hiding their relationship.

Holding hands they presented themselves to the world confessing that they were really in love. “We wanted to show you together our great joy for our commitment“, they explained to the media present at the Zarzuela palace. “It is clear that from now on and progressively I am going to integrate into this new life with the responsibilities that it entails and with the support and affection of…”, Letizia said. when Felipe tried to intervene. A moment in which she responded sharply with “let me finish.” A natural reaction that many took as an offense and that over the years forced her to be in the background.

Letizia was what the monarchy needed, but those most conservative with the institution never saw that she had character. They wanted to marry the King to someone who was a flowerpot and when the journalist arrived, who was a commoner on top of her, many saw her as a threat. Ten years after saying ‘I do’ in the Almudena Cathedral, the communicator became Queen consort and since then not only has it evolved physically (through a fitness life, a strict diet and the occasional aesthetic touch-up) but he has also done it with his style. In fact, numerous international media have valued it as one of the best dressed royals in history.

Her closeness to the press, her solidarity, her interest in culture, her speeches and her transparency have positioned her as one of the most valued, but why? What have been her most relevant decisions in the Royal House?

Letizia, more present on the agenda

While it is true that during her years as a princess her role was always to accompany Felipe (without a doubt more of a consort than ever), Letizia has gradually gained more weight and has ended up developing her own agenda with which to demonstrate their commitment to all Spaniards. In fact, her own husband already made it clear in her first speech that from that moment on there would be a “renewed monarchy for a new time.”

Without neglecting her family side either, the Queen has been involved in numerous social struggles, she has increased the frequency of her cooperation trips (Senegal, Dominican Republic and Haiti, MozambiqueH.onduras, Paraguay or Colombia) and also international visits, both alone and accompanying Felipe. But not only that, also a hostess, so much so that he has given more than 120 speeches on mental health, solidarity and culture, since he got married.

The most supportive side of Letizia.


Legal consort but Queen at home

Letizia knows that no matter how much her institutional role grows and her image is one of the women, for legal purposes she is only a consort (although her voice is increasingly taken into account). Of course, in the Zarzuela palace she rules. And despite the secrecy of the Royal House regarding the couple’s most intimate role, the truth is that it is known that she has never given in regarding the education of her daughters.

In fact, rumors say that he had to bite the bullet when Leonor had to do her training at the Zaragoza Military Academy. And the Queen wanted both Leonor and Sofía to lead a life that was as calm and normal as possible, as far away as possible from her extraordinary position. But there are impossible things that even go beyond her decisions.

What Letizia has imposed not only on her family but also on the institution is proper nutrition. The Queen is clear that eating well is essential and she not only wants the best for her husband and her daughters but also for the guests who attend dinners and meals organized by the Crown.

More women in the Spanish Crown

Last April the Royal Family decided that it should modernize its organizational chart with three major changes: José Manuel Zuleta (63 years old) left the secretary of Felipe VI’s wife after 20 years to make way for María Dolores Ocaña Madrid (51 years), the first woman with a position of general director within the institution and the second with a position of responsibility alongside Beatriz Rodríguez. A change that also responds to the need for equality in positions and with which Letizia surely makes clear her commitment to renewal.

In addition, since then the image of the website has been renewed andAn Instagram of the Spanish Crown has been created for the first time, one of the last to do so. Without a doubt a way to modernize the Royal House and bring it closer to the new generations. It is well known that Letizia has told some personalities that she has a private and secret account with which to see what interests her most, so these steps undoubtedly have her personal touch.

Letizia, queen of communication

From Lecturas we know that Letizia greatly misses her role as a journalist. When she got married she was said to have hoped to be able to dedicate herself to the medium in some way, but she finally realized that it was not possible. Of course, she knows that she in herself It is a great window to be a champion and defender of numerous issues such as social inequalities.

In any event she presides over, she can boast of being one of the monarchs who speaks best and expresses herself best. It shows that she was one of the best communicators and she exploits it every time she can. His tone of voice, his fluency, his inspiring speeches and even his improvisations are worthy of being framed.

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