When the flu becomes dangerous, symptoms to go to the doctor urgently

When the flu becomes dangerous, symptoms to go to the doctor urgently
When the flu becomes dangerous, symptoms to go to the doctor urgently

According to Ministry of Health and Social Protectionwhat is called as Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) constitutes a group of diseases that occur in the respiratory system, caused by different microorganisms such as Virus and bacteriawhich begin suddenly and last less than two weeks.

It is the most frequent infection in the world and represents an important public health issue in Colombia. Most of these infections, such as the common cold, are mild, but depending on the general condition of the person, they can become complicated and become life-threatening, as in the case of pneumonia.

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In children under five years of age, the cause of infection in 95 percent of cases is viruses, with a good prognosis, but a small percentage may suffer complications such as otitis, sinusitis and pneumonia.

Taking into account this risk of complications, care must always be taken when caring for this type of infection. The main symptoms are: fever, general malaise, congestion and runny nose. Symptoms such as cough, sore throat, expectoration and difficulty breathing may also occur.

Warning signs

In boys and girls:

From Minsalud they recommend that children under five years of age be attentive to the following manifestations:

– Increased respiratory rate or rapid breathing
– His ribs sink when he breathes.
– You have strange noises when breathing or “your chest wheezes.”
– He doesn’t want to eat or drink and vomits everything.
– Fever, which does not subside with the administration of medications.
– Irritability
– Depression and drowsiness.
– Attacks or convulsions.

In adolescents and adults:

​- Choking or difficulty breathing (or even feeling of difficulty breathing).
– Chest pain when breathing or coughing.
– Decay or excessive tiredness.
– Fever greater than 38.5 degrees Celsius, for more than two days.

In children under five years of age, the cause of infection in 95 percent of cases is viruses, with a good prognosis.


How to prevent infections?

For avoid contagion With any type of respiratory infection, the main recommendation is to avoid contact with people with the flu. Patients should use face mask and keep your hands clean by washing your hands correctly with soap and water.

These are other indications to prevent and treat these diseases:

-If you have a baby under six months, only provide breast milk in larger quantities, at least 10 times a day.

-If the child is six months or older, provide freshly prepared foods with high nutritional and energy content (fruits, vegetables and meats), and continue giving breast milk.

-Avoid contact with smokers.

-To relieve cough and sore throat, give the patient aromatic drinks or tea. If he is over two years old, give him honey.

-Keep the nasal passages unclogged, if possible frequently apply saline solution through both nostrils, clearing the secretions.

-When the child goes out due to sudden changes in temperature, protect him and cover his nose and mouth.

Other recommendations:

-Teach your children to sneeze: put a disposable tissue over their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, throw it away and wash their hands.

-Do not give medications, antibiotics or cough syrups unless prescribed by the doctor.

-Wash your hands when you have contact with secretions or sick people with the flu.

-Ventilate the house and patients’ rooms daily.

-Verify that your vaccination schedule (boys, girls, schoolchildren and adults) is complete for your age.

-Hydration is the key to controlling the disease and thus avoiding further complications.

With information from Minsalud

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