Maranhao Gym: 42 years at the service of physical health and personal well-being

Despertar Entrerriano approached the traditional corner of Pellegrini and 3 de Febrero, where Gimnasio Maranhao is located. With 42 years of experience, this gym has been fundamental in promoting the health and well-being of the people of Concord.

On this occasion, we spoke with Héctor “Tote” Amengual, founder of the gym, and his son Tomás Amengual, who shared with us the history and evolution of this emblematic place. Since its founding, Gimnasio Maranhao has maintained a constant commitment to the community, offering a space where people can improve their physical health and achieve their wellness goals, thus being a high-performance gym.

Héctor told us how this adventure began more than four decades ago, with the vision of creating an accessible space dedicated to physical activity. His son Tomás, who continues the family legacy, highlighted the importance of adapting to the changes and needs of customers, always maintaining quality and warmth in the service.

“It has been 42 years since we started physical activity in Concordia. We were very few at that time in which five gyms passed through my life. We will see if it is the last one or not.”

Héctor “Tote” Amengual, founder of the gym, and his son Tomás Amengual.

“In 1981 we got together with an athlete friend to form a gym on San Luis and Urdinarrain streets with the collaboration of a cousin who was also a partner. Then we went to three more places. Unfortunately, my first partner suffered a tragic accident, where he became a direct partner with my cousin, who sadly I also tragically lost.”

DDE: What does it mean to be accompanying your dad in this thing he created?

TA: For me it is very special, because I was practically born in the gym. I was living all the stages, playing and training. The gym is part of the family, it is my second home.

After going to study in Buenos Aires, I returned to Concordia in 2016 to lend a hand with new ideas to “Tote”. This place is my family.

DDE: How do you get along with new technologies?

HA: Those of us who have been around for a few years find it a bit difficult to innovate technology for today’s work. Without a doubt, the vision of young people is different, in this case of my son, and it was difficult for me to adapt to these new visions, it was not easy. I recognize that they are different ways.

TA: As “Tote” says, for him they are very different. Suddenly there were two big changes, working with a child and as a family which is not easy, it is very nice but it is not easy and at the same time, all the social and cultural change of technologies, students, teachers, new training methods .

There are many changes that occurred in a few years, which even those of my generation find difficult, trying not to be left behind.

DDE: How does Héctor analyze the growth of the sector in Concordia?

HA: It grew a lot, there are many more and I think we can all work. Society is realizing the importance of doing physical activity. We could be more, and as president of the Chamber of Gyms I tell everyone to come and join us to continue growing. The competition is not between us, but against people who do not do physical activity.

DDE: What does Maranhao mean in Concordia?

TA: I draw a parallel with what happens to me. Today members, students and almost family who have been in the gym for 40 years saw me grow up and be born here. And with that I say that we realize that those old students feel Maranhao as we do. We love that, that they feel like their home.

Many young people are joining this story, and it is part of continuing to convince people. We like that new generations join in.

DDE: Are there Maranhao branches in Concordia?

HA: There is no other in Concordia, but we always keep it in mind. I’m waiting for my son to take the next step, because he will follow. I’m watching your back.

The idea would be to build another one, but it cost in the building, in the human, in the professional and all that costs. Money is not the most important thing and we believe that Maranhao has another part, which allows us to have our back covered if we go somewhere else.

DDE: What advice can you give to younger people?

HA: In everything you do you have to have passion. I started studying medicine because it was my parents’ dream to see me in a white coat, but I went somewhere else and it went very well.

Another thing I can tell you is to get advice, it was much easier than in my time. In order to find a correct path, I made 20 mistakes because I had no guide. There were very few gyms and of different styles, which is why it cost us many mistakes.

You have to go for everything, not improvise. Go on the right path.

We invite you to watch the full interview in “Getting to know…” available on our channel. YouTube: Diario Despertar Entrerriano.

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