The worrying truth behind the increase in hyaluronic acid treatments

In the last 9 years the number of aesthetic operations has more than doubled, bordering on or slightly exceeding the million treatments per year. The latest estimates indicate that more than one 40% of the Spanish population has undergone any of these interventions. There has also been a considerable decrease in the average age at which they start with this type of treatment, which was previously located in the 35 years and currently around twenty.

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Among the most popular are the botulinum toxin injectionspopularly known as Botox, and those of hyaluronic acid, which are especially popular among the young population. The specific case of hyaluronic acid deserves special attention, since it usually sold as a temporary treatment, which is subsequently reabsorbed by the body. Therefore, it is very attractive for people who want to have a cosmetic operation but are not completely convinced to have a permanent touch-up.

However, recent studies show problems related to resorption of this compound, as well as other risks related to its migration through the body and its possible long-term effects. For this reason, experts warn of the importance of offering patients safety guarantees as well as a new approach to the diagnosis of other diseases to people who have undergone this intervention.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a chain-shaped molecule that produced by the human body naturally at a rate of about 5 grams per day. To do this, specific enzymes called hyaluronic acid synthases are needed, which are found inside the cell membrane. Once the molecule is produced, it is sent abroad, where it allows the correct functioning of the extracellular matrix (the fluid that surrounds our cells) and lubricates tissues such as cartilage. This function depends, above all, on the length of the hyaluronic acid chain.

Of all the hyaluronic acid in the body, which is estimated at about 15 grams in totalAlthough it depends on the person, more than 50% is found in the skin, where it helps keep it hydrated and firm.

To ensure its proper function, hyaluronic acid is constantly renewed and maintained in balance. Estimates indicate that this molecule has a half-life of about 3 to 5 minutes in blood, less than a day in skin, and 1 to 3 weeks in cartilage. Once that time has passed, enzymes hyaluronidases They hydrolyze the chains and break them into shorter molecules for reprocessing.

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It has also been observed that, in the event of wounds or inflammation of tissue, cells tend to produce more hyaluronic acid. The exact mechanisms have yet to be clarified, but this molecule appears to facilitate the movement of immune system cells, as well as activate tissue repair systems. Now, as this molecule is responsible for promoting cell movement, some studies also link hyaluronic acid with the migration capacity of cancer cells during tumor formation and with the infection capacity of certain bacteria.

Hyaluronic acid injections

Over time The body’s production of hyaluronic acid is decreasing and the skin loses hydration. This decrease in available water marks the beginning of the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging. Therefore, based on this knowledge, in recent years beauty treatments have become popular in which hyaluronic acid is injected into different areas of the body such as the lips or cheekbones. In this way, it is intended to combat the effects of aging by plump the skin with a substance that, in addition to being smooth, keeps it hydrated.

In clinics, the treatment is sold as temporary, since the body itself usually eliminates excess hyaluronic acid after a few months, which is also why they advise repeat injections every 6 or 12 months.

However, hundreds of medical professionals have warned of the problems with these practices. As has been detected, the injected hyaluronic acid could remain in the body much longer than expected, and even move to other places where no injection has been made. The causes of migration are varied, such as injecting too much volume, performing a very aggressive post-injection massage or due to the effects of gravity. But the most worrying thing is that the hyaluronic acid accumulation In other places in the body it can appear in the form of nodules days, weeks or months after the application of the treatment.

These nodules can become inflamed, causing great discomfort to patients, or may cause confusion to medical professionals. What is initially a benign accumulation of hyaluronic acid has characteristics similar to other more serious medical conditions, like tumors. For this reason, doctors insist on the inclusion of cosmetic treatments in the diagnostic hypotheses of unusual conditions, such as tumors, and highlight the importance of asking the patient explicitly if a cosmetic treatment has been performed.

Fortunately, if diagnosed correctly, hyaluronic acid accumulation It can be reversed using hyaluronidase, although it requires a second operation for the patient.

Increasingly younger aesthetic treatments

Although another cause for concern is the age at which Start with these treatments. According to Silvia Álava, a doctor in clinical and health psychology, in a telephone interview, people without apparent skin problems are currently being bombarded with the benefits of certain skincare routines of dubious effectiveness and other treatments. This constant exposure especially affects people who are in adolescencesince it is the period in which the personality is formed.

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As Dr. Álava explains, personality is not formed solely within the family, but is shaped to a large extent by its membership in a group of equals. This peer group is so important for adolescents that it has been observed that when they feel rejected by their group, the same brain area is activated as when they are in danger.

In this vital period for development, more and more importance also begins to be given to the physique. Therefore, it is common for them to look for role models on social networks. Unfortunately, the image offered by social networks is often deliberately distorted to try to show an unattainable perfection. All these reasons encourage the beginning of interventions and even surgeries at an increasingly younger age.

In short, there is currently some concern about the increase in cases of adolescents undergoing aesthetic treatments and the effects that these may have in the long term. Although it is very difficult to tackle the root of the problem, experts believe that it would be convenient have more studies, as well as enabling channels to properly inform the most exposed people of the risks.

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