predictions from June 24 to 30, 2024 for all signs

predictions from June 24 to 30, 2024 for all signs
predictions from June 24 to 30, 2024 for all signs

The weekly horoscope for June 24 to 30, 2024 announces this astrological panorama: Mercury in keeping with Saturn and Uranusas well as Venus with the planet Mars. Towards Saturday afternoon Saturn begins to retrograde in the sign of Pisces for five months.

The energy of the last week of June will allow us to decant the information that the Moon filled in the sign Capricorn; It is time to release tensions and face our issues to be resolved from a different perspective.

They will be very good days to relate, open ourselves to encounters and let ourselves be surprised. Saturn retrograde invites us to review our journey, observe how we have traveled our paths and experiences, take learnings and wisdom to be able to take them to our next steps and creations.

Saturn invites us to take responsibility for who we are: stopping looking for someone to blame for our actions and reactions is the basis for maturing and committing to improving our present and future. Saturn retrograde in the sign of Pisces will remove the veil and show the true form of what we have idealized.

Horoscope for Aries

The week begins with energy available to flow in meetings and group matters. With the exception of the afternoon – when the Moon will be in tension with its ruling planet, Mars, inviting them to channel their fire in a constructive way – it will be advisable to do any type of exercise. Venus in harmony with Mars will allow you to flow and advance in economic and work matters as well as in your intimate relationships, family and home issues.

They will be excellent days for shopping, increasing assets, making improvements and repairs and everything related to real estate. On Friday the Moon enters your sign, increasing your intuition, magnetism and sensitivity, inviting you to prioritize your individual needs and desires, take care of your routine, diet and rest.

Aries: Venus in harmony with Mars will allow you to flow and advance in economic matters. Photo illustration Shutterstock.

Horoscope for Taurus

The week begins with the energy available to attend to your professional and work world. Resolve pending issues, commitments, review and advance your medium and long-term goals; Avoid leaving these tasks for the afternoon, the tension of the Moon with the planet Mars in your sign predisposes you to arguments and disagreements, but it will be opportune for physical activities.

Venus, your ruling planet, will be in harmony with Mars during the week, bringing fluidity and harmony to your mental world, benefiting your relationships and your way of relating to others. They will also have the green light for studies, communication, signatures, agreements and contracts, commercial matters, travel, transfers and removals. On Sunday the Moon enters your sign, increasing your intuition, magnetism and sensitivity, inviting you to prioritize your individual needs and desires, take care of your diet and rest.

Horoscope for Gemini

The week begins with the energy available to face your challenges and routine with optimism. The Moon will allow you to flow in studies of all kinds: exams, movements, trips, matters related to foreign affairs, legal and judicial, individual and also group projects. On Wednesday, Mercury in trine with Saturn gives you focus and commitment to organize your priorities in economic and work matters, medium and long-term goals and projects, you will have the green light to assume roles of authority and greater responsibility.

Mercury in harmony with Uranus allows you to face any challenge, change and last-minute surprise with lightness and detachment. The universe invites you to evolve, open new experiences and knowledge.

Horoscope for Cancer

The week begins with the energy available to address financial matters, especially paying off debts, taking out loans and making payments, organizing your resources and opening up new ways to generate income.

Cancer: the week begins with the energy available to face financial matters. Photo illustration Shutterstock.

They will be very favorable days for crabs, Mercury in its sign in harmony with Saturn and Uranus gives them greater fluidity in their thinking and actions, allowing them to focus on their projects, plan, commit and move towards them step by step.

They will have the green light for studies, communication, exams, legal and judicial matters, travel and everything related to abroad. They also have Venus in their sign in harmony with Mars, bringing peace to their group relationships and friendships, opening themselves to meetings and new ties and achieving greater objectivity about their projects and ideals.

Horoscope for Leo

The week begins with energy focused on your bonding world, inviting you to nurture your most significant relationships, joint issues, partners and couples. Avoid very important meetings and meetings towards the end of the afternoon and evening on Monday. They will be beneficial days for your professional and work world: Mars in harmony with Venus gives you greater warmth and harmony, creativity and willingness to face important challenges and goals.

The planet Venus invites you to have greater confidence and faith in yourself and in the life around you; those resources you need could arrive from unexpected places. It will be a favorable week for sentimental matters, romance and everything that excites you. You will be able to flow in the expression of your emotions, find new channels and forms, analyze and plan your objectives.

Horoscope for Virgo

The week begins with the energy available to organize your priorities. Any action that brings you greater order, improvements and practicality will be indicated for Mondays and Tuesdays, also to take care of your body, health, improve your routine and exercise.

On Wednesday, the planet Mercury in harmony with Saturn gives you focus and commitment to advance in group issues and projects, partners and couples, nourish and improve your relationships, flow in outings and social affairs, open new links.

On Sunday, Mercury in harmony with Uranus gives you lightness and willingness to face any challenge you are going through, start or advance in projects, searches, studies, trips and movements, benefiting everything related to the outside.

Horoscope for Libra

The week begins with the energy available to focus on your individual projects and pursuits. They will be able to advance in everything related to travel, transfers and movements, also in studies, exams, communication, signatures, judicial, legal and foreign affairs.

Libra: the Sun, Mercury and Venus benefit you in your work world. Photo illustration Shutterstock.

The Sun, Mercury and Venus benefit them in their work, vocational and professional world, bringing movement, new searches, recognition and appreciation, inviting them to show and put their knowledge and talents into action. It is the right time to challenge yourself, build your best version step by step and face your present with optimism.

Horoscope for Scorpio

The week begins with the energy available to record your individual needs, family and household matters. Any action that generates improvements will be indicated, record your emotions and reactions more carefully, take care of your energies and intimacy, measure your impulses and whims towards others, especially with your partner and partners.

They will be beneficial days for studies of all kinds, searches, projects, travel, removals and movements, legal and judicial matters, signatures and agreements, real estate and everything related to the exterior. Mercury in harmony with Uranus allows you to approach important goals, projects and conversations with your most significant relationships with greater lightness and objectivity.

Horoscope for Sagittarius

The week begins with the Moon in harmony with Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, bringing fluidity, movement and progress in joint projects, partners and couples. There will be a green light for communication, listening and understanding, allowing you to reach good agreements.

They will have emotional strength and intelligence that will allow them to achieve greater discernment in the ways of facing their feelings, intimacy, home and family, personal resources and love affairs, inviting them to improve their management of these and take responsibility for their actions and choices. Starting on Friday, the Moon allows you to focus on your individual searches and objectives, creative and romantic projects and affairs, outings and trips.

Sagittarius: there will be a green light for communication, listening and understanding. Photo illustration Shutterstock.

Horoscope for Capricorn

The week begins with energy focused on your material and economic resources. They will be able to advance purchases, improve their income, open new ways to generate profits, make investments and improvements in their business. Avoid important movements towards the evening of Monday.

On Wednesday the planet Mercury in harmony with Saturn gives you intelligence and discernment to carry out joint projects, benefiting associations. They will be able to improve the way they relate to their most significant relationships, pay greater attention, listening, understanding and empathy.

On Saturday your ruling planet, Saturn, begins to retrograde, inviting you to review your thoughts and beliefs, your ways of expressing yourself and communicating. Observe how you are deciding to look and approach your daily affairs. Saturn in Pisces invites you to unite your intellectual intelligence with that of your intuition, amplify the signal of your personal antenna to connect with something greater than the world of matter. Take the opportunity to explore knowledge about emotions and feelings, metaphysical, philosophical and spiritual studies.

Horoscope for Aquarius

The week begins with the Moon in its sign, Aquarius, increasing your intuition, magnetism and sensitivity, inviting you to prioritize your individual needs and desires, take care of your diet and rest.

Starting on Wednesday, you will be able to flow in economic, material and labor matters, achieve progress, order, planning and improvements. They will be excellent days to bring order and improvements to your internal and external world, take care of home and family matters, take care of your body, food and rest.

Starting on Friday you will have the energy available for trips and movements, outings, meetings and conversations, it will also be available for studies, communication and business matters. On Sunday the Moon invites you to take care of your energies, inhabit the home and prioritize what nourishes you.

Horoscope for Pisces

The week begins with energy focused on your internal world. They will be able to face personal as well as group goals and objectives, explore new ways to express their creativity, emotions and feelings. It will be helpful to look for spaces of silence and calm to recover.

Pisces: They will be able to face personal as well as group goals and objectives. Photo illustration Shutterstock.

On Wednesday the Moon enters your sign, increasing your intuition, magnetism and sensitivity, inviting you to prioritize your individual needs and desires, take care of your diet and rest. That same day, Mercury in harmony with Saturn in your sign gives you focus and discernment to plan your projects, next searches and steps to take, favoring everything related to studies and communication, development of your gifts and potentials, new tools, creative expressions and romantic affairs.

On Saturday the planet Saturn begins to retrograde in its sign, inviting you to review your forms and structures, how you approach life and the responsibility you exercise over your actions and reactions. These will be favorable months to carefully and patiently improve your internal and external structure.

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