Cadem: Evelyn Matthei and José Antonio Kast consolidate themselves as the favorites for the presidential elections

Cadem: Evelyn Matthei and José Antonio Kast consolidate themselves as the favorites for the presidential elections
Cadem: Evelyn Matthei and José Antonio Kast consolidate themselves as the favorites for the presidential elections

The most recent results of the Cadem Public Square survey revealed important data about presidential preferences and the perception of citizens regarding the situation of the isapres.

Regarding the presidential race, Evelyn Matthei leads the preferences with 24%, followed by José Antonio Kast with 14%. Then, on the list are other names such as Camila Vallejo, Carolina Tohá and Michelle Bachelet, all with a 3% preference (-4pts).

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Other candidates like Johannes Kaiser, Franco Parisi, Rodolfo Carter, Marco Enríquez-Ominami and Gonzalo Winter The first three rank with 2% and the remaining two with 1%, respectively. A considerable 37% have not expressed any preference in this survey.

Regarding the evaluation of political figures, Evelyn Matthei continues to be the most valued with a 71% positive image (+1pt), followed by Tomás Vodanovic with 64% (+4pts) and Claudio Orrego with 63% (+5pts). Following them are figures such as Rodolfo Carter (59%), Michelle Bachelet (51%, -9pts), Mario Desbordes (48%), Macarena Ripamonti (48%), José Antonio Kast (45%, -5pts), Ximena Rincón (43%, +1pt) and Marco Enríquez-Ominami (43%, +1pt)

In addition, then come leaders such as Pamela Jiles (42%, +3pts), Johannes Kaiser (42%, +9pts), Axel Kaiser (41%, +9pts), Carolina Leitao (40%, -8pts) and Marcela Cubillos (40 %, -2pts). While lastly, Among the worst evaluated are Lautaro Carmona (24%, +2pts), Daniel Jadue (21%, -2pts) and Gaspar Rivas (18%).

Isapres crisis

One of the topics addressed in the survey was the financial crisis of the isapres, where 84% of those surveyed are aware of this situation. Likewise, 83% are informed about the Supreme Court ruling that forces the isapres to return money to members, and 65% know about the short Isapres bill presented by the government.

In relation to the possible bankruptcy of the isapres, 30% of those surveyed are very concerned about this situation, a figure that rises to 65% among system users. The main concerns in the event of bankruptcy are the increase in waiting lists and care in the public sector, the obligation of people with pre-existing illnesses to go to Fonasa with less coverage, and the possible collapse of the private health system.

Among the respondents, 65% are in favor of approving a law that creates the conditions so that all isapres can continue operating. And regarding the preferences of isapre users regarding a possible bankruptcy, 72% prefer that they look for mechanisms to return the money in the long term and avoid bankruptcy, while 23% prefer that they return the money and go bankrupt if necessary.

In terms of mass migration of isapre affiliates to Fonasa, 58% of Isapre users would remain in the private system even if they had to pay more, while 41% would go to Fonasa. Regarding the proposals to get out of the crisis, 83% of system affiliates agree that the isapres can pay the debt defined by the Supreme Court in the long term, and 56% agree that the debt should be reduced up to an amount that allows them to continue functioning.

Finally, Regarding the health system, 77% of Chileans believe that it should be mixed, where you can choose between belonging to a public or private institution.

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