The CAR action plan was reviewed to improve the environmental impact in Cundinamarca

In the company of director Alfred Ballesteros, Governor Jorge Rey reviewed the CAR action plan to improve the environmental impact in Cundinamarca.

He Governor of Cundinamarca Jorge Emilio Rey Ángel, in his capacity as president of the Board of Directors of the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR), He began the week by carrying out an exhaustive review of the Action Plan of said entity. Accompanied by director Alfred Ballesteros and his work team, the president analyzed the priority issues related to the environment in the department of Cundinamarca.

Among the neuralgic points that occupied a privileged place on the technical table are:

  1. Reservoir construction: Seeks to improve water resource management through the creation of adequate infrastructure to store water.
  2. Efficient stormwater management: The objective is to minimize the negative impacts of rain on the natural and urban environment.
  3. Innovative alternatives in water storage systems for rural areas: Creative solutions are explored to guarantee access to water in rural areas.
  4. Implementation of clean energy plants in municipalities: The use of sustainable energy sources is promoted to reduce the environmental footprint.
  5. Cadastral update: The aim is to have an updated database on land ownership for better environmental planning.
  6. Mitigation of impacts produced by rivers and streams: Measures are being studied to reduce the negative effects of water currents on the ecosystem.
  7. Provision of relief and emergency organizations: Preparation and response to disaster situations related to the environment is guaranteed.

Governor Rey expressed his commitment to support the approval of this plan and actively contribute to its execution. Furthermore, it is expected to formalize, in the shortest possible time, a framework agreement that will allow these environmental management tasks to begin quickly.

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