Municipal conferences begin in Santiago de Cuba for the 22nd Congress of the CTC • Workers

Municipal conferences begin in Santiago de Cuba for the 22nd Congress of the CTC • Workers
Municipal conferences begin in Santiago de Cuba for the 22nd Congress of the CTC • Workers

That the union’s long-standing missions—affiliate, mobilize, represent—be added to others that temper the organization’s work to the new and challenging economic and social scenarios of the country, is a necessary and possible issue.

This was endorsed at the Municipal Conference of the Cuban Workers’ Union (CTC) in Palma Soriano, Santiago province, with which another step is advanced in the organic process towards the final sessions of the 22nd Congress, scheduled for the first quarter of the year. 2025.

As part of adjusting a tailored suit is the transformative role that the union structure must play at the base, in order to overcome the many obstacles that the country’s economy faces.

A good example that it is possible was offered by delegate Miguel Angel Samé Delís, president of the basic cooperative production unit (UBPC) Calderón, who narrated the way in which, with union leadership and unity with the administration, it was possible to reverse the precarious financial and productive situation that the entity had, “until it was considered a cup of gold, and achieved the status of National Vanguard.”

Learning from this triumphant formula and applying it successfully in other areas of union work requires systematicity, especially if we talk about affiliation, as recognized by Oneida Reyes Salgado, representative of the public health sector.

From a perspective of the particular and the general, the report, and some of the interventions, agreed that there are fissures “in the weak union functioning at the base”, a key issue in all the processes of the organization, placing emphasis on affiliating those employed in the private sector.

The new direction that will command the CTC’s destinations in Palma Soriano. (Photo: CTC Santiago de Cuba)

“Adding, not stopping adding, that is the question of yesterday, today and always,” reflected Reyes Salgado, who also referred to the need for self-preparation of the grassroots leader, his charisma, humanism and other qualities.

Topics such as payment systems, employment guarantees, combating crime, occupational health and safety, among others, were also debated at the Conference of the municipality of Palma Soriano, which was chaired by Orlando Beltrán Minier, general secretary of the CTC in the province, and Ámbar Zamora, member of the national secretariat of the Construction Union.

At the close of the debates, the new members of the committee and the municipal secretariat, headed by Marilay Núñez Aroche, were presented, as well as the 31 delegates who will represent Palma Soriano in the Provincial Conference.

At the conclusion of the Municipal Conference, the headquarters of the proletarian organization in Palma Soriano was declared the 22nd Congress of the CTC, a condition that enhances the order, decoration and hygiene of said premises.

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