They want the San Juan picnic areas to be activity centers for children

They want the San Juan picnic areas to be activity centers for children
They want the San Juan picnic areas to be activity centers for children

If everything goes according to plan, soon the San Juan picnic areas will become activity centers where children will not only go to eat, but will receive support and carry out other activities. This news was confirmed by the Minister of Family and Human Development of the province, Carlos Platero, who gave an interview to the Qué Tarde program that is broadcast on Telesol. The official announced that they are finalizing the details of the call for bidding for the purchase of food to be able to supply the picnic areas and dining rooms.

Platero explained that “when we arrived we found disorganization” and assured that they did not find information on the exact number or distribution of the picnic areas on the ministry’s computers. The minister said that due to the lack of data, they decided to do an “ant job” of re-registering and putting together a file for each picnic area, with concise data on where they operate, how many children receive assistance, how many times a week.

The head of the Family portfolio stated that when he came to office they told him that in the previous administration, “at some point there was talk of 320 picnic areas in San Juan,” and added that now, after the survey, it was determined that there are 200 groups or associations with picnic areas in San Juan. When asked what happened to the 120 snack bars that had disappeared, the minister said that he does not know if they merged or if there was any irregularity.

“I have not detected that there are ghost snack bars, if I had not reported it to the courts,” said Minister Platero.

Regarding what the future picnic areas will be like, the Orreguista official explained that he will implement a Picnic Area Program that will become “recreational spaces where the children will have other types of activities in addition to nutritional contribution,” and added that the children will have artistic activities and will seek give them more support from a social perspective.

street situation

Platero also spoke about homeless people and assured that the Pope Francis Home had 22 places, but this was increased to 44 places due to the notable increase in demand due to the cold of this season in San Juan.

The official added that people enter at 8:00 p.m., shower, have dinner, sleep, and the next day at 8:00 a.m., the majority, go to work. In addition, he said that they detected the case of an elderly man who asked to go live in the Nursing Home and was transferred there.

Relationship with Nation

Platero recognized that the province is a “dependent nation” and that is why he assured that work must be done to have a good relationship with the authorities of Javier Milei’s administration. The local minister explained that he recently met with the Secretary of Education of the Nation, Carlos Torrendell, who praised the management of the area led by Platero.

“We are arriving in the Nation and we need to bring programs to the provinces. Many lines of work remain open,” said the official, who added that next week he will have another meeting with National authorities to analyze the application of food programs that include breakfasts. fortified for 802 schools and 412 school cafeterias.

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