Government will promote abortion and euthanasia laws

Government will promote abortion and euthanasia laws
Government will promote abortion and euthanasia laws

The so-called “value themes” marked one of the most striking moments of the Public Account this Saturday: President Gabriel Boric announced that he will promote a legal abortion law and a dozen opposition parliamentarians stood up and left the Hall of Honor of the National Congress.

The President stated that, seven years after the promulgation of the law that authorized the voluntary termination of pregnancy on three grounds during the second Government of Michelle Bachelet, it is time to “improve your application“through a new regulation now entered the Comptroller’s Office.

“With this we seek to guarantee that the population knows their options, secure a right which is established in the law, (also) that personal conscientious objection does not hinder the abortion on these three causes and that the place where one lives and the ability to pay are not a barrier to timely care,” he explained.

Beyond this, “as President of the Republic I am convinced of the need to give a democratic debate on sexual and reproductive rights. AND despite the fact that some male deputies oppose, During the second half of this year we will introduce a legal abortion billwhich we will submit to the corresponding discussion, with the commitment that encourages our Government of advance and of don’t go back“announced the Head of State, whose words were received with loud applause and standing cheers from the government, and with explicit indignation from the opposition.

It is not strange that in this matter it is a male representative who has withdrawn from the Hallbecause Chilean women deserve their right to decide“Boric said in response to the reaction from the right.


Shortly after, the President moved on to the topic of pensions, but when interrupted, he shot: “Deputy Schalper, I ask that you please allow me to continue.”

Later, once the ceremony was over, the aforementioned RN deputy said that from the Palacio de la Moneda They wrote to him to apologize, because it was not he who spoke out loud. addressing the Head of State.

It is good that the President considers me a tenacious opponent, but I am a constructive person (…) Yes, from La Moneda they sent me a WhatsApp telling me that they apologized for the unjustified allusion”explained to Cooperativedetailing that the message came from head of advisors to the President, the RD militant Miguel Crispi.

On the underlying issue, Diego Schalper interpreted the announcement of free abortion as a gesture by Boric “so that the ruling party could come out and say something.”

“What I observe is that, within the framework of a speech of realism without convictionwhat abortion seeks, exclusively, is that the left does not leave so disappointed“he said.


For the announcement of euthanasia – which the liberal deputy Vlado Mirosevic has promoted for years and which was approved in the Lower House in 2020 – the President turned to a specific story.

“I receive hundreds of letters from people who write to me about different topics. One of them was Susana Moreirawho wrote to share with me what it means to suffer daily atrocious physical pain due to muscular dystrophy that does not allow him to have a decent life. In his letter, Susana asked me to authorize her assisted death“he said.

According to the President, “in this we have a big pending issue: We owe an answer to those suffering from terminal and incurable illnesses. that entail an advanced and irreversible decrease in their capabilities with persistent and intolerable physical sufferingwhich cannot be alleviated and which the patient considers unacceptable.

I tell Susana: what you ask of me is not within my powers, but in your name and in those of many others, I invite this Congress not to avoid this debate. Therefore, I announce that I will put urgency and we will promote the euthanasia and palliative care bill that is currently in the Senate, because passing this law is a act of empathy, responsibility and respect”held.

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