Francos activates negotiations with three governors for public works to try to gain support for the Bases Law

The chief of staff, Guillermo Francosreceived the governor of the province of Córdoba, Martin Llaryorato advance an agreement for public works in the midst of the negotiation for the Bases Law and the fiscal package in the Senate.

As far as he could know TNthe meeting was at 1:30 p.m. at the Casa Rosada and included a negotiation for the Nation to finish large-scale projects – such as roads, sewers and bridges – and agree to transfer projects to the province through an agreement.

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Ignacio Torres (Chubut) entered Francos’ office After the departure of Llaryora from Balcarce 50 and Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén) arrived minutes later to close agreements of equal magnitude.

The executive’s small table sets its sights on the vote on the Bases Law and the fiscal package, which is expected to be June 12. They seek to adjust the porting of accessions and gave the green light to the new chief of staff to reactivate public works.

The president and the governor of Córdoba at the May Act (Photo: Government press).By: Córdoba Government Press

They want to finish consolidating the general vote on both projects and they focus on senators close to the governors. These are Lucila Crexell (Neuquén Community), Edith Terenzi (Federal Change), Andrea Cristina (Federal Change), María Alejandra Vigo (Federal Unit), among others.

The Casa Rosada hopes that in the coming days similar agreements will be closed with Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucumán) and Raúl Jalil (Catamarca). They do not rule out Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe) and Ricardo Quintela (La Rioja) joining the negotiating table.

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The Government is going to be responsible for the expense of public works projects that depend on Road Corridors and the National Entity for Water and Sanitation Works (ENOSHA) in the national territory and will transfer around 800 to the provinces.

Francos met on Monday with Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos), Leandro Zdero (Chaco) and Carlos Sadir (Jujuy) to sign the agreements and He gave 14 works to Jujuy, 39 to Chaco and 27 to Entre Ríos.

Jaldo has the Benjamín Paz prison complex on file (Source: Ministry of Public Works).

Routes, prisons and sewers: the works in the spotlight

As far as he could know TN, one of Llaryora’s priorities is the Córdoba-San Francisco highway, which needs to inaugurate two parts. The route between San Francisco and Jeanmarie is 32.33% complete and has an estimated cost of $33,479,254,382. The section that will connect the towns of Arroyito and Río Primero is 51.95% complete and has a budget of $15,400,015,599.

Another work in the pipeline is the rehabilitation of the Route 9 route between Bell Ville and Pilar, which advanced by 72.23% and has a budget of $8,402,806,478. The same applies to the work on route 38 (Villa Carlos Paz-Cruz del Eje), which achieved a progress of 90.62% and has already carried out more than $2,624,855,766.

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Torres has works such as the conservation of the Rawson route of Route 3 – which has a progress of 64.32% and an estimated cost of $1,079,096,778 – and the repair of the route between Las Plumas and Paso de los Indios on Route 25, which advanced 67% and costs $2,191,913,836.

Jaldo has the Benjamín Paz prison complex under wraps, which has progress of 47.95% and has an estimated cost of $7,881,837,316. It has an end date for this year and has already spent $3,625,645,165.

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