Sunday of Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Sunday of Prayer for Persecuted Christians
Sunday of Prayer for Persecuted Christians

This June 9 throughout Chile: Sunday of Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Today, the Church faces challenges and persecutions in different parts of the world. That is why the Episcopal Conference of our country has established “Sunday of Prayer for Persecuted Christians” as a special moment to unite in prayer for our brothers and sisters who suffer for professing their faith. This year, it is commemorated on Sunday, June 9.

Persecuted Christians are in the DNA of our Aid to the Suffering Church Foundation (ACN). We know closely the reality experienced by more than 646 million faithful in the world, whose religious freedom is not respected in their countries. They are harassed, discriminated against, treated unfairly, persecuted, kidnapped, tortured and murdered. But they have a bomb-proof faith, and they are willing to say yes to Christ until death.

“How many of you pray for Christians who are persecuted?” Pope Francis asks us. Therefore, this June 9, I invite you to join the national day of prayer for the persecuted Church. A date established by the Episcopal Conference of Chile, which ACN joins every year.

Catholics, like us, suffer in many countries for the mere fact of believing in God. They need our prayer to be comforted and remain faithful.

May this Sunday of Prayer for the Persecuted Church unite us in Communion with our brothers in faith who carry a cross that is too heavy. We invite you to pray for them and, to the best of your ability, to help them.

Learn more about their reality and the circumstances they face in the special that we have prepared for this date. Because your prayer and that of everyone fills them with hope and makes them feel that they are not alone, that we have not forgotten them and that their suffering has meaning.

Furthermore, to highlight the date, we will have the testimony of the Nigerian priest Kenneth Iloabuchi. He experienced persecution and had to overcome many difficulties to save his life and find refuge. Then he would discover his calling. Find out the details of his visit at and he participates in some of the activities that we have prepared.

Fountain: ACN Chile
Santiago, 06-07-2024


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