EUROPEAN ELECTION RESULTS CÓRDOBA | The PP wins the European elections for the first time in the province of Córdoba

EUROPEAN ELECTION RESULTS CÓRDOBA | The PP wins the European elections for the first time in the province of Córdoba
EUROPEAN ELECTION RESULTS CÓRDOBA | The PP wins the European elections for the first time in the province of Córdoba

The PP wins the European elections for the first time in the province of CórdobaMANUEL MURILLO

He People’s Party has won for the first time in the province of Córdoba theeuropean elections with 39.68% of the votes, compared to a PSOE that with 31.36% of support, leaves the podium that he held undefeated since the first elections to the European Parliament in 1987. Participation reached 49.79% – it has fallen 6.5% compared to 2019 when the European elections were held in conjunction with the municipal elections -, while abstention has been 50, twenty%. In the capital, the victory of the popular has been even more resounding with 42.70% support, 16.08 points more than five years ago, compared to the socialists who lose 4.86 points and remain at 25.34%. Both in the province and in the capitalVox becomes the third most voted force.

In these elections they were called to exercise the vote 648,455 Cordobayes to elect representatives of the European Parliament. Of that total, 625,713 reside in the province; 19,551 are abroad, and 3,191 are from other EU countries. Córdoba has lost voters compared to May 2019, specifically, 2,896 less.


A victory in the province and the capital

The victory of the PP in the province of Córdoba adds 15.84 points more compared to the 2019 European elections, with 119,888 votes; followed by PSOE, with 31.36%, which loses 8.45 points with 94,768 votes. Vox is positioned as the third political force in the capital cwith 30,641 votes (up 3.65 points) and reaches 10.14% of the vote; in fourth place is Add, with 19,732 votes, 6.53%; followed by The Party is overwith 16,091 votes and 5.32%, and Canwhich loses more than 10 points, with 7,725 votes and 2.55%.

In the capital, The PP has achieved 55,293 votes, which represents 42.7% (16 points more than five years ago); followed by the PSOE, with 32,811 and 25.34%; Vox, which also in the capital becomes the third most voted force with 14,606 votes (1.70 points more) and 11.28%; Add, with 8,190 votes, 6.32%, and Alvise Pérez’s group, with 7,665 votes, 5.92%. Podemos with 4,694 ballots, 3.62% (10 points less), and Cs, which with 1,102 votes, 0.85% of support (15 points less) certifies its disappearance from the European stage.

Public attending the PP meeting at the Córdoba Center waiting for the election results.

2019 elections

In the 2019 European electionsan appointment that coincided with the municipal elections, the PSOE was the winning party in the province with just over 159,200 votes, 40.26%; followed by the PP, which obtained 95,300 votes, 23.8%. The confluence of the left, which was presented under the brand United We Can, was the third most voted force with 51,500 votes, 13%; Citizens, with 50,600 and 12.8%; and Vox, for which almost 26,000 Cordobans voted, 12.8% of the electorate. At that meeting, of the 651,351 Cordobans who were able to exercise their right to vote, 62.29% did so compared to an abstention of 37.71%.

A couple of Cordoba residents vote before going to cheer on Córdoba CF.

The one who was unbeatable in the province

In fact, Until today, the PSOE was an unbeatable party in the elections to the European Parliament in Cordovawhere he had been the winner in the 8 previous calls. The same has happened in Andalusiawhere he had been a winner in every European competition from 1987 to date.

In history, the PP has achieved better results in the capital, but it did not win in 2019 even though the PP candidate, José María Bellido, who ended up being mayor, did so that same day in the elections for the Mayor of Córdoba. . In the 2019 European elections in the capital, lThe socialists were the most voted force with 44,111 votes, 30.43%, closely followed by the popular ones, with 38,900 votes and 26.83% of the vote.

In the capital of Cordoba, you have to go back to May 2014 to find the PP’s previous victory in the European elections, which it also won in the 2009, 2004, 1999 and 1994 elections.

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