Parents of private and subsidized schools present a book in Córdoba to promote equal education

The association of parents of private and subsidized education (Fapyma) presented this Monday in Córdoba the manual ‘Families and Schools. Educate in Equality‘ to raise awareness about a fundamental right such as Equality Education.

The presentation ceremony, at the Trinidad Diocesan School, of the Santos Mártires Foundation, featured an exceptional speaker, the psychologist Javier Urra; writer, member of the media and first Ombudsman for Minors.

In his presentation he defended that “it is a very serious mistake to confuse equality with the fact that we are equal.” In the same way, he considered that although the human being is subjective and believes himself to be in a position of truth, equality “is born from diversity».

Javier Urra encouraged during his speech to practice the verb «argue». It is a proactive action “that involves debating, dialoguing, disagreeing and enriching oneself with the vision of others.” There may be some things that are discussed such as “gender violence, hateful behavior, the cancellation of difference, which are fundamentally unacceptable.”

Thus, he intoned the «I respect» towards oneself and others, because «one can be an atheist, agnostic or have faith, but citizens must manage themselves in the same possibilities of living their own existence and educating their children according to their criteria».


The document is the work of the engineer and educational center consultant Rafael Caamano and the legal expert on education issues, Carmen Mora. As a contextual framework, they perceive that there are still differentiated and unequal messages, and as a consequence, discrimination based on sex is perpetuated. They consider that measures must be taken to balance the historical inequalities and social problems that have prevented the full enjoyment of women’s rights.

To this end, concepts are made available to families, toolsrecommendations and advice to accompany fathers and mothers with school-age sons and daughters on the path towards a truly egalitarian society free of discriminations.

Public attending the event at Trinidad School

VAlerio Merino

In the same way, it is also intended to contribute and promote awareness about the prevention of gender violence and violence of origin. sexist.

To achieve this, it is essential to train the family environment as the first agent of socialization. And obviously as the main people responsible for the education of their sons and daughters.

The guide shows the importance of coeducation and the role of parent associations

Hence this guiding guide that consists of several chapters that begins with the Regulatory frameworkcontinues with the value of coeducation, its impact on psychological well-being and defines the role of associations of mothers and fathers, as a catalyst agent, among others.

With this new book there are now three published by the federation in its desire to contribute to the “training and information of families on matters of social interest and current affairs.”

With the subsidy of the Ministry of Educational Development and Vocational Training, they first published the ‘Guide: legal environment of the Ampas and promotion of participation in private educational centers supported with public funds‘ in 2021.

In the following year the work ‘Family and Schools’ was published. Key pieces in the prevention of crimes related to minors, the new technologies and the improvement of school coexistence. The role of the Ampas’.

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