The census of fairground vendors began on Paseo San Martín – Salta

The census of fairground vendors began on Paseo San Martín – Salta
The census of fairground vendors began on Paseo San Martín – Salta

06/11/2024. Municipal personnel began the surveys at the shopping fair located in San Martín Park, the place was toured to find out how many stalls there are and if all of them have the corresponding authorizations.

The stallholders located on Paseo San Martín received the municipal staff of Public Spaces and Citizen Protection, who, starting today, began the census at the shopping fair.

It is carried out with the objective of knowing how many positions there are and what conditions they are in, that is, if they have the corresponding qualifications.

It is estimated that there are more than 200 positions, it is expected to complete the surveys in the next 10 days.

“Today we start with this census, which is very important to know what the situation is like in the place and also with the collaboration of the stallholders, try to put everything in order so that they can work in optimal conditions,” said the secretary of the area, Esteban. Carral.

While Ulises Alvarado and Carlos Godoy, coordinators of the fair, thanked the Municipality for its willingness to carry out this work so that all the stalls on Paseo San Martín are in order.


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