Córdoba Capital positions itself as a destination for digital nomads in Latin America

Córdoba Capital positions itself as a destination for digital nomads in Latin America
Córdoba Capital positions itself as a destination for digital nomads in Latin America
  • The city continues to work with the private sector to strengthen the program that attracts remote workers from around the world.

The National Institute for Tourism Promotion (INPROTUR), through its Visit Argentina brand, held a promotional event in the city of Buenos Aires with more than 20 digital nomads content creators from the United States, France, Brazil, England and Russia, among others.

Each of them chose Argentina not only as a tourist destination, but also as a place suitable to live and work.

The Digital Nomads Córdoba team, an initiative that encourages the arrival of remote workers from all over the world to the city, attended the event to present their proposal.

“It was an enriching meeting, where we generated valuable contacts with leaders in the sector and extended a warm invitation to digital nomads to tour our country, discover the vibrant city of Córdoba and explore everything we offer from our program”said Gabriela Sibilla, director of International Programs at Córdoba Acelera.

“We are eager to continue promoting Córdoba as an ideal destination for digital nomads and to connect the city with the world”Sibilla added.

The event aimed to consolidate and expand the relationship between Visit Argentina and international digital creators, disseminating the country’s tourist and cultural offer.

Córdoba Capital, in collaboration with the private sector, continues to strengthen its attraction program for digital nomads, Digital Nomads Córdoba. This not only provides benefits to remote workers who choose the city, but also fosters a community through a cycle of activities designed to connect nomads with local culture, other professionals and recreational activities.

This meeting consolidated Córdoba in the top 20 in Latin America in the ranking prepared by NomadList, a platform that highlights the best places to live and work.

The recognition reinforces the city’s position as an attractive and competitive destination for the global community of digital nomads.

Digital Nomads Córdoba is a program of Córdoba Acelera, an autonomous entity of the Municipality of Córdoba.

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