La Libertad Avanza obtained its own seal in the province of Buenos Aires and advances in the affiliation stage

La Libertad Avanza obtained its own seal in the province of Buenos Aires and advances in the affiliation stage
La Libertad Avanza obtained its own seal in the province of Buenos Aires and advances in the affiliation stage

La Libertad Avanza got its own seal in the province of Buenos Aires

This Tuesday, La Libertad Avanza formalized the judicial process that grants it its own party seal in the province of Buenos Aires. Thus, The space led by President Javier Milei met one of the most important objectives for the 2025 legislative electionsince it will be able to advance a strategy in the territory that concentrates 40% of the registry.

As detailed, the meeting that took place in the national electoral justice building in La Plata “took place without opposition and with total normality, complying with the stages required by the electoral law.” There the judge with electoral jurisdiction Alejo Ramos Padilla He presided over the hearing to formalize the process that has already been completed in provinces such as Córdoba, La Rioja, the city of Buenos Aires, San Luis and Salta.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the province of Buenos Aires, Sebastian Pareja, Juan Osaba and Alejandro Carrancioaccompanied by the general secretary of the presidency, Karina Mileihis main advisor “Lule” Menemand the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menem.

Karina Milei was present (Photos: Aglaplata)

Carrancio expressed: “We are very happy with the progress we are making to have our own electoral tool for the elections and the consolidation of the space that defends the policies of President Javier Milei.”

“This is thanks to the efforts of all the coordinators and militants of the 135 districts of the province of Buenos Aires who work hard to have our own party and thus complete the five districts necessary to form the party at the national level,” added the representative. and vice president of the promotional board of La Libertad Avanza in the province of Buenos Aires.

From now on, and with a view to 2025, La Libertad Avanza will begin to focus on the affiliation of Buenos Aires residents.

As advanced Infobaeat LLA they project that starting next year will have greater legislative presence in the province of Buenos Aires. It is in this scenario that they -potentially- imagine that in the eight electoral sections The heads of the lists will be defined by Couple. In 2025, deputies will be elected for the Second, Third, Sixth and Eighth electoral sections. While the provincial senators who will be voted will represent the First, Fourth, Fifth and Seventh sections.

Currently, Libertad Avanza that stands in Milei has a bloc of five deputies and three senators. The electoral and political strategy led by Pareja also reaches the local armed forces and the presence of LLA in the Deliberative Councils of the 135 municipalities of the province of Buenos Aires.

The space already has the brand in The Rioja, where Martín Menem leads; presented the match in CABA with Juan Pablo Scalese; the structure was secured in Jump from the hand of Alfredo Olmedo; has already advanced before the electoral justice of Santa Fe with Romina Diez and in Black river with Lorena Villaverde. Meanwhile, she waits for Land of Fire and in Mendoza.

The first to register the party was the current president of the Chamber of Deputies, Menem, in his province of origin, La Rioja, in 2021, with the help of his cousin, Eduardo “Lule” Menem.

The objective of Milei’s sister is to create her own force without dependencies on actors that they consider secondary in the provinces that, however, “lent” them their respective legal structures at the beginning of Javier Milei’s proselytizing path. But the main reason is to build our own strength to consolidate ourselves in the face of PRO’s offers.

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