Report: $5.1 billion will be invested in these projects in Bucaramanga

The main bets of the government of Jaime Andrés Beltrán Martínez in Bucaramanga during the next four years are to improve security, infrastructure works to optimize mobility and protect the environment and the Páramo de Santurbán.

One of the campaign promises of the Mayor of Bucaramanga was to improve security. This item is included in the Development Plan.

The Council approved the Development Plan ‘Bucaramanga advances safely 2024 – 2027’, whose estimated investment value will be about $5.1 billion.

With this decision, the roadmap for Bucaramanga was drawn up on different issues that, according to the mayor, Jaime Andrés Beltrán Martínez, are fundamental to contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the Bumangueses.

The Development Plan is made up of five strategic lines called: ‘Safe territory that integrates’, which refers to the social component; ‘Safe territory that progresses’, related to economic development; ‘Safe and sustainable territory’, which focuses on the environment; ‘Safe territory that generates value’, which refers to good governance; and ‘Safe territory that protects’, which aims to reduce violence and crime rates.

Within each of the strategic lines, the development of infrastructure works, technological provision to improve security, is contemplated; health coverage, environmental protection, promotion of education, culture, improvement of mobility, support for the agricultural and sports sector, among others.

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Although there are some sectors that highlighted the goals outlined in the document, others pointed out that it fell short and above all that the goals are not specific but general, so they feel that the investments will not reach their communities. However, the Mayor’s Office pointed out that all the needs are reflected in the Development Plan.

The mayor of Bucaramanga, Jaime Andrés Beltrán Martínez, thanked the Council for the approval of the Development Plan, which included the participation of communities and unions.

The goals of the Mayor of Bucaramanga

The mayor, Jaime Andrés Beltrán Martínez, explained that the Development Plan included the vision of the Bumangueses from different sectors and added that the main component is that “it has the DNA embedded to recover the identity of the city. We want the Bumangués to bet on it again and believe in the city, for Bucaramanga to once again be an example so that investment and development returns. We want Bucaramanga to be a competitive city.”


One of the main axes that Beltrán Martínez championed since the campaign was security. In this sense, he explained that one of the main actions is ‘control of the territory’, which refers to recovering control of the city with the support of the Army, the Police, Migration Colombia, the coexistence managers and a transversal team of the secretaries.

“Controlling the territory means dismantling the ‘pot’ of microtrafficking, but arriving with an institutional offer on topics such as sports, culture, health, among others,” explained Beltrán Martínez.

Another component to improve security is the technological and infrastructure component, which aims to recover the security cameras, more than 700 in poor condition, and provide them with facial recognition. Likewise, an articulation will be made with the C4 Operational Center, which would operate in the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police Command and would be built with resources from the Government and the four municipalities in the area. Added to this is the construction of the Transitory Detention Center to free the Police stations, and the provision of equipment to both the Army and the Police and an effort will be made to strengthen the Colombian Migration team in the city.

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To close the security component, the Development Plan recorded citizen security that goes hand in hand with coexistence, which has to do with reinforcing security fronts in the neighborhoods, supporting the Civic Police and recovering security with the Community involvement.

One of the most important projects outlined in the Development Plan was the north-south trunk between Carrera 9 and Carrera 2W in the Mutis neighborhood.
One of the most important projects outlined in the Development Plan was the north-south trunk between Carrera 9 and Carrera 2W in the Mutis neighborhood.


Regarding infrastructure works, Mayor Beltrán Martínez indicated that the construction of the North-South Trunk that will connect Carrera 9 with Calle 45 and Carrera 2W in the Mutis neighborhood, and the road pair on Calle 54 would be done with own resources. On the La Virgen-La Cemento road he warned that it is necessary to launch the Rionegro toll, to leverage resources. And the interchanges on Carrera 27 with Calle 56, and Carrera 9 with Calle 45 would be made through loans that the city would request.

Regarding mobility, which is related to infrastructure works, the Mayor said that this will include the liquidation of Metrolínea and the redesign of the new mass transportation system.


In relation to the environmental issue, three things were included in the Development Plan. The protection of the Santurbán moor; the protection of the water basins that supply the Aqueduct, and the construction of three satellite wastewater treatment plants. Regarding the Río de Oro wastewater treatment plant, the Mayor pointed out that, if the Government and the metropolitan area contribute resources, it is possible, “otherwise it is complex.”

The Río de Oro WWTP was not included in the Development Plan. Three PTAR satellites were projected in some sectors of the city.
The Río de Oro WWTP was not included in the Development Plan. Three PTAR satellites were projected in some sectors of the city.

The social

Finally, on the social issue, the leader of the Bumangueses indicated that the family is the fundamental axis in this component, in which hard work will be done to improve the mental health of the Bumangueses. “We are going to approach the family from all fronts and if we manage to mitigate mental health risks, we will have great progress,” he concluded.

Community leaders give their opinion

Juan Carlos Torres Marín, leader of Commune 8

Regarding the Development Plan and the commitment of the Mayor’s Office of Bucaramanga, the community leader pointed out that although goals and programs are outlined, nothing is specified that has to do with what the neighborhoods need. The document is not understood, the Council approved it as presented by the Mayor’s Office with some annexes, but the communal part was not included in them. “It is difficult to give a concept because everything is very general, there is nothing specific,” said Torres Marín.

Keep in mind: Metrolínea would be liquidated and another Managing Entity would be created

Juan Carlos Plata, Pte JAC Barrio El Pablón

The communal leader of the northern and rural area of ​​Bucaramanga recognized that this Development Plan focused on the rural part, because more resources were approved for ‘footprint plates’, more resources will be allocated to the rural area and we see that very well .

Plata also highlighted that more resources will be allocated to security fronts with speakers, cameras and what “we hope is that what was promised in the campaign and now in the Plan is fulfilled.”

On May 31, the Bucaramanga Council approved the Development Plan 'Bucaramanga advances safely 2024-2027'.
On May 31, the Bucaramanga Council approved the Development Plan ‘Bucaramanga advances safely 2024-2027’.

The councilors give their opinion

Luis Eduardo Ávila Castelblanco

He highlighted important goals of the Development Plan in the environment, security and education. Ávila pointed out that one of the most important achievements was having removed Metrolínea from the goals of the Plan, so as not to give money to something that does not work. The Councilor pointed out that he was concerned with the lack of inclusion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), and with the solution to the disposal of garbage.

Diego Armando Lozada Trujillo

He pointed out that although he voted negative for the Development Plan, not everything was bad. However, he stated that he is concerned about five issues: One, the redesign of the bike paths was not completed but maintenance will be carried out on them; two, the public lighting budget; three, a possible debt that they intend to request from the Council; four, Metrolínea, for which we will seek to co-finance a transportation system that works; and five, the deadlock plan that will not fulfill what was promised during the campaign.

Carlos Felipe Parra Rojas

The councilor pointed out that the Development Plan was unambitious, described it as inertial, ambiguous and pointed out that the environment was neglected. He criticized that the Río de Oro Ptar was not included and said that by not having clear socialization about the works, “it is very difficult to know the specific projects.”

Support for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses is immersed in the Development Plan.
Support for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized businesses is immersed in the Development Plan.

Voices of the unions

Alejandro Almeyda Camargo, director of Fenalco

The Development Plan seeks to boost the economy and this is seen in the different strategic lines proposed. The part of employment, tourism, commerce and industry was included. “We are going to work on initiatives such as Shopkeeper’s Day, Bga Connections, to attract employment, national and international business relations; and to work on different training projects with Santander companies.”

Juan Pablo Remolina, director of Prosantander

Although there are important advances, we believe that a more metropolitan vision was needed. Each of the municipal plans could have made a greater effort in this regard.

Bucaramanga Metropolitan Program How Are We Going

Bucaramanga made some bets that other municipalities did not make, such as increasing public space per inhabitant, reducing homicides and thefts, improving education and reducing multidimensional poverty. However, there were indicators that were left aside, such as the reduction of femicides and increasing the employment rate for women.

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