A PP survey gives it 16 councilors in Córdoba if there were elections

A PP survey gives it 16 councilors in Córdoba if there were elections
A PP survey gives it 16 councilors in Córdoba if there were elections

The PP would get 16 councilors (now it has 15) in the capital of Córdoba if there were new municipal elections, according to an opinion study carried out by the PP of Córdoba, and which reflects that the new councilor who would join their group would come from the PSOE.

The spokesperson for the PP Group in the City Council of Córdoba, Miguel Ángel Torrico, presented this Wednesday the results of this survey, carried out from May 15 to 23, with 421 telephone interviews, which offer a margin of error of 4.5%, in population over 18 years of age in the municipality of Córdoba.

So. According to this study, if the municipal elections were repeated, the PP would have 16 councilors, the PSOE would drop from seven to six, and Hacemos Córdoba and Vox would repeat their results, with four and three councilors, respectively.

For Miguel Ángel Torrico, the first conclusion of the survey is that “the people of Córdoba mostly support the path of growth undertaken by Mayor José María Bellido, by the Popular Party and by the PP government team in the Córdoba City Council.”

According to the spokesperson, “the vast majority of Cordobans perceive that there has been a change of direction for the better, that Córdoba is growing and is on the right path.” Thus, according to the data from this study, regarding the assessment of the work of the mayor of Córdoba, 57% support that work, and 65% of the people of Córdoba consider that the direction of Córdoba is very good or good.

Regarding the current situation in Córdoba compared to the situation a year ago, 34.6% of Córdoba residents consider that the city is better and 15% believe that it has worsened, compared to 49% who consider that it is the same.

“When asked if they consider that Córdoba continues to grow, the overwhelmingly positive response from the people of Córdoba, 64% support the idea that Córdoba is growing, which means that two thirds of the people of Córdoba consider that Córdoba continues to grow,” Torrico indicated.

Regarding the work of the government team, more than 55% consider that the work is very good or good. Regarding the knowledge and assessment of municipal leaders, knowledge of Mayor Bellido is practically universal at 94.3%, while 55.8% know the PSOE spokesperson, 30.4% know the Hacemos spokesperson, and the VOX spokesperson reaches 19.5%. The evaluation of José María Bellido stands out, since 49% of the people of Córdoba consider it to be very good or good.

If these data were projected into electoral results, the PP in the city of Córdoba would grow 3 points, going from 46.3% of the support obtained in the municipal elections of May 2023 to 49.3%. Compared to that, the PSOE would drop 1.4 points, Hacemos also drops slightly and VOX also rises slightly. “This would give the PP an increase of one councilor, which would go from 15 to 16 at the expense of the PSOE, which would lose one, while Hacemos and VOX would maintain the same councilors.

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