Video games and social networks transform the life of a town in the Amazon

Video games and social networks transform the life of a town in the Amazon
Video games and social networks transform the life of a town in the Amazon

In the depths of the Amazon rainforest, the Maruboa indigenous people ancestral, have witnessed a radical change.

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The responsible: starlinkthe satellite Internet service of SpaceXcompany Elon Musk.

According to a report in the New York Times, since last September, this technology has transformed life in remote villages Marubo.

Controversy has even been generated due to an apparent addiction to adult content among its inhabitants.

Benefits and challenges of Internet access

Previously isolated, the Marubo now enjoy high-speed connections that allow them ‘video chats’ with distant relatives and emergency calls.

However, this advancement has also brought with it unexpected challenges.

According to Tsainama Marubo, cited by the New York Times, access to Internet has led to a decline in traditional crafts and body dyeing, with young people absorbed by the social networks and video game.

Starlink infrastructure and its impact on the Amazon

starlink has deployed 6,000 satellites to provide faster connections in remote areas such as Amazon.

This fact, according to the same source, has generated 66,000 active contracts in Brazil, which represents 93% of the legal municipalities in the region.

This advancement has not only opened new educational and employment opportunities, but has also facilitated communication and coordination in emergency situations, such as rescues from venomous snake bites.

Debate and concerns in the Marubo community

The arrival of Internet It has provoked an intense debate within the same community.

Elders and leaders express concerns about the loss of traditional culture and exposure to inappropriate content, such as adult content and the violent video gameswhich could negatively influence younger generations.

The future of the Marubo with the Internet

Despite these challenges, leaders like Enoque Marubo come the Internet as a powerful tool to strengthen autonomy and preserve cultural identity.

The history of the Marubomarked by centuries of resistance to modernity, now faces the challenge of integrating the digital world without losing its essence.

Controversy over addiction to adult content

More than 100 websites spread headlines about the Marubos’ alleged addiction to adult sites. Photo: Freepik.

During the last week, according to Clarín, more than 100 websites spread headlines stating that the Marubo They had become addicted to adult content due to his recent access to Internet.

The leaders Marubofollowing the source, including Enoque and Alfredo Marubo, categorically denied the accusations, denouncing the distortion and potential damage that these headlines could cause to their community.

This incident highlights the challenges faced by indigenous communities as it integrates into the digital age, inviting reflection on both the promises and dangers of global connectivity in sensitive cultural environments.

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