From Córdoba they believe that it is a good starting point for reconstruction

From Córdoba they believe that it is a good starting point for reconstruction
From Córdoba they believe that it is a good starting point for reconstruction

From the Córdoba countryside there was unanimity when it came to evaluating the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate of the Nation during the early hours of yesterday. The representatives of the agricultural entities highlighted the importance of the Government finally being able to have the tools it demanded and from now on begin to materialize the promises made during the campaign and the first six months of management.

  • “We celebrate that it has been possible to sanction, although we consider that there is still a lot to be resolved for our sector in particular and for the country in general,” said Vanesa Padullés, president of Coninagro Córdoba.

The leader of Leones recalled that the sector hopes “for the elimination of export duties, the non-renewal of resolution 7600 referring to credit rates, the exchange differential, the country tax.” And she highlighted: “At Coninagro Córdoba we consider it important that the president has the tools he needs to carry out the projected plans and he can begin to execute them. And so the country can return to the path of sustainable progress, with order.”

For his part, Javier Rotondo, vice president of CRA, highlighted that the sector saw “the approval of the Bases law as “very positive.” It is a tool for a Government whose objective is a paradigm shift in the exercise of power and in the way of doing politics. But it is only a necessary starting point for a series of reforms that in our opinion are extremely necessary in Argentina to end many years of decadence and a disastrous conception of the State,” emphasized the Rio Cuarto leader.

“It is the starting point to have a reliable, austere country. It is necessary that a president who came to propose something totally disruptive to what the traditional political system proposed, has the tool to be able to do it,” explained Rotondo.

And he concluded: “Now it will be in the hands of the President, who had to learn that there are powers in the State and that agreements and balances must be sought. There is expectation and we believe that it can be the starting point for the reconstruction of the country.”

Finally, Padullés insisted that “the President had to be allowed to have the tools to also be able to demand more from him, because there is a long way to go. But it was the first step and it was taken,” he told the president of Coninagro Córdoba.

And then he stressed that “the definitive solution is to have a plan so that the cake can be enlarged and that way there are more portions and more to distribute genuinely and not artificially. In this, the agricultural sector will contribute, as always, its grain of sand because it is in its essence. With reasonable conditions we will surely be able to grow and make the economy grow, which will also need other actors.”

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