They release eight young people accused of joining the First Line in Neiva

They release eight young people accused of joining the First Line in Neiva
They release eight young people accused of joining the First Line in Neiva

The eight young people, including six men and two women, accused of being part of the ‘first line’ in Neiva and who have been under house arrest since 2023, were released by the Tenth Court due to expiration of terms.

The members of the front line, captured in 2022, participated in the social protest of 2021 and, According to the authorities, they had committed acts of vandalism against public and private property in the city.

Richard Mauricio Gil Ruiz, one of the young people’s lawyers, explained through Blu Radio that, After the 240-day period expired, the judge made the decision to release them.

“In this specific case, the indictment was filed in August 2022 and to date approximately 660 days had passed. However, the time had to be discounted due to maneuvers or dates on which the hearings could not be held on their own behalf. of the defense, and that is how the judge discounted a total of 158 days. With that discount, 502 days were counted, which is why the cause for release was given, and that is why the judge made the decision to release these young people,” said the legal professional.

These are the young people released in Neiva due to expiration of terms

The beneficiaries following the decision of the Tenth Court of Control of Guarantees of Neiva are Kevin David García Mosquera, Edwin Herrera Pimentel, Anyi Carolina Cuéllar Ospina, Pablo Fernando Vargas Lima, Cristian Andrés Reyes Cuéllar, Vanessa Sánchez Cabrera, Ignacio Sebastián Zambrano Rodríguez and Andrés Felipe Yara Vargasalso known as the clown ‘Retazos Clown’.

It is worth remembering that four of the eight members of the First Line of Neiva, along with young people from other cities in the country, were designated as ‘peace spokespersons’ in 2023 by President Gustavo Petro.

The Members of the First Line of Neiva, who had been prosecuted for terrorism, disruption of public transportation, conspiracy to commit a crime, among other crimes, are free, but will remain linked to the process.

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