Aerocivil confirmed that it will soon begin modernizing the Perales Airport | ELOLFATO.COM

Aerocivil confirmed that it will soon begin modernizing the Perales Airport | ELOLFATO.COM
Aerocivil confirmed that it will soon begin modernizing the Perales Airport | ELOLFATO.COM

Modernization works that seek to make the Perales de Ibagué Airport more competitive will begin soon.

This was announced by the Municipal Administration after maintaining a meeting with Civil Aeronautics officials in Bogotá.

“The director of Aerocivil, Sergio París, ratified his commitment to carry out these works and confirmed that The contract will be awarded in the coming days The purpose of which will be the installation of the PAPI (approach and precision indicator) lights,” explained the Mayor’s Office.

With the installation of these elements, the air terminal could operate at night, 24 hours a day.

“We explained to the director the progress made on the ALC lights. They will be installed on the ground from the tip of the runway without affecting 145th Streetwhich was the concern of Aerocivil,” said the Strategic Projects manager, Carlos José Corral.

Likewise, topics such as the project to shorten distances for cars leaving the airport towards the Ibagué bypass were discussed. (See: Perales Airport will have lighting on its runway and there will be a new route to avoid returning to El Salado)

For the Secretary of Economic Development of Ibagué, Naydú Romero, these works will promote competitiveness and the arrival of more tourists to the city.

“It will ensure and improve the air connectivity of the Musical Capital, facilitating the arrival of tourists and businessmen, which is key to the creation of new businesses and job creation,” the official concluded.


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