Pablo Alarcón underwent open heart surgery in the middle of his stay in intensive care: what is his state of health?

Pablo Alarcón underwent open heart surgery in the middle of his stay in intensive care: what is his state of health?
Pablo Alarcón underwent open heart surgery in the middle of his stay in intensive care: what is his state of health?

Pablo Alarcon He underwent open heart surgery He has been hospitalized for more than two weeks due to bilateral neomoniaand now his state of health has been announced.

A few days ago, from his Instagram account, The 77-year-old actor posted a video asking for twelve blood givers in a story by his daughters, since he cannot speak.

After a few hours of the news going viral, Alarcon He received what he needed to be able to undergo surgery, and Blonde Chubhis friend, generated tranquility in the world of entertainment: “Pablito Alarcón’s open heart surgery was completed successfully. He is fine and will have 48 hours of observation.”

“It was not easy, but God enlightened the surgeons. I was eagerly waiting to give you this good news about my friend and to thank those who joined the prayer chain. God hears the prayers. Thank you,” express.

Pablo Alarcón hospitalized. (Capture: Networks)

Besides, Agostinaone of his daughters, spoke in The nation and also gave details about his health: “He already woke up. Now she has to rest a lot because she has had open heart surgery so she requires a lot of care and attention.”

It should be noted that the actor was in the Tornú Hospitalbut was later transferred to High Complexity Medical Institute to continue his recovery.

Now we just have to wait, but Pablo Alarcon His health is progressing favorably and in the coming days there could be more news about his possible departure from the hospital if the doctors authorize it.

What happened to Pablo Alarcón

In mid-May it was learned that Pablo Alarcon He was hospitalized and, after the concern, he spoke about his health from intensive care.

The actor spoke with Teleshow and expressed: “Excuse me for the delay, but I don’t have much strength to speak yet. I’m in therapy here at the Tornú Hospital. They treat me wonderfully well and I estimate that in 5 days I’ll go home.”

“I have a lung infection, bilateral. But hey, I’m fine”he detailed Alarcon. At the same time, in communication with Clarionthe artist said that he has been under observation for several days: “I’ve been in therapy for a week. I can’t talk.”

Instagram friends, be patient with me, I can’t write. I have been hospitalized for 15 days at the IMAC, which cares for me wonderfully well, and I will be unable to communicate with you for a while longer.“, he expressed Pablo Alarcon through a video he shared online, where he is seen being monitored in the hospital bed.

I hope to hear and see you, and answer you one by one. Blessings and good health to all, strength“, concluded the artist.

Claribel Medinaex-partner of the actor and with whom he had his two daughters, spoke in Halloween (Net TV) and referred to the video that Alarcón shared since his hospitalization: “They know that he really likes humor and through humor he wanted to put in this video, something that ended up worrying everyone much more. He will probably challenge me when he sees me today, I say it in a good way, for the family that we are, probably tells me something but nobility obliges us to explain it to people.

“This is Pablo’s humor and he handles himself that way. From this video, many people understood that what was happening was not so serious. The reality is that the humor of artists transforming something bad into humor is something very particular. and we usually laugh at the most difficult situations”he explained.

“It is the third week that we are experiencing Pablo being hospitalized and, consequently, there are a series of medical tests that were carried out, that is in the first instance. I speak like this because I am nervous and words and thoughts cross my mind because “I’m not talking about someone who, imagine, is the father of my daughters,” he continued.

The bilateral pneumonia was complicated by a hospital-acquired infection, but luckily he was not intubated but rather the hospital doctors gave him an antibiotic.“he explained.

“The antibiotics were not working for him, but they increased the dose so as not to intubate him. There is also a complication in his heart; a while ago he had a heart attack and he has a stent, which needs to be checked. We need to do a cleaning, he is going to “There will be an operation when the pneumonia improves,” reported Claribel Medina.

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