Guillermo Francos, after the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate: “They lost in the venue and they lost in the street”

Guillermo Francos, after the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate: “They lost in the venue and they lost in the street”
Guillermo Francos, after the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate: “They lost in the venue and they lost in the street”

Days after the Senate of the Nation approved the Bases Law, the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francosreferred this Saturday to the victory obtained by the Government in the Upper House and targeted against Kirchnerism for trying to stop the package of reforms that the Executive has promoted since the beginning of his administration. “They lost in the venue, in the street and in the opinion of the people”he asserted.

It was in dialogue with Radio Miter where Javier Milei’s official celebrated the approval of the initiative and highlighted, as an achievement of the management, that the objective has been achieved despite the fact that La Libertad Avanza has only 7 of 72 senators on the premmises. In this sense, he assured that they expected the tie scenario, in which Victoria Villarruel should intervene to tip the balance, as happened.

“It’s not that we weren’t clear about the numbers. She surprised us when it seemed like we were winning, but We knew that with a tie we would still get the sanction. Of course we were following the debate with the task force that spent many weeks in the Senate working on this issue. And of course we celebrated it, we celebrated it and we got very excited,” said Guillermo Francos in the radio interview.

Regarding the opposition, the Chief of Staff said that he has no doubt that they did everything possible to get the law dropped. Particularly Kirchnerism, whose space, according to his analysis, suffered a double defeat on the day of the session: one on the premises and one on the street.

Guillermo Francos in Congress

“For me, one of the most important things at stake was the defeat or not of Kirchnerism. And it was a defeat, because Kirchnerism did everything possible, He used all possible tricks to prevent the law from being passed.. So, I believe that the pressures that those sitting in their seats receive are enormous. But we knew that we had a hard core to accompany us, to accompany the law. And so it was,” said the official.

Along the same lines, he continued: “It seems to me that for Kirchnerism it was a black day, because they lost the venue and they lost in the street,” Francos remarked. Then, he added a third area, in which he considered they were also defeated: “And they lost the opinion of the people, right?”

When asked about what he believes could happen in the Chamber of Deputies, where the bill will have to be discussed again to ensure that it is finally sanctioned or rejected, the Chief of Staff said he had a optimistic attitude.

The official leaving Parliament

“I am optimistic that It is a matter of common sense. And I trust that the Chamber of Deputies will also consider it that way. But well, of course, as I said when we are in the Senate, I respect the position of each body and we can present our positions and lose certain meaning in the vote in the same sense that the law was originally proposed, but later They are the ones who decide. We will try to do things with our allies, we will try to get support to be able to insist on these issues,” he stressed.

And he concluded by mentioning the steps to follow regarding the treatment of the Base Law and the fiscal package: “The two laws are approved in general. There does not have to be a general debate on the laws because these have already been approved by having half a sanction from each chamber. In general, it only remains to adjust these issues that have some modification in the Senate in which deputies will have to decide what they accept and what they do not accept.”

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