CORDOBA SNAILS | A “very positive” snail season closes thanks to the good weather and despite the rise in prices

CORDOBA SNAILS | A “very positive” snail season closes thanks to the good weather and despite the rise in prices
CORDOBA SNAILS | A “very positive” snail season closes thanks to the good weather and despite the rise in prices

There is no more “one for boys” left to orderthe season snails close officially this Wednesday, June 19, although it was done unofficially this weekend, when dismantled the last positions that were open. Cristian Perezpresident of the Association of Caracoleros Merchants of Córdoba, has described the campaign as “very good“, in spite of the price increase that marked its beginning.

Good weather and parties, keys

The Snail season started on February 23 accused by a general price increase and with the fear that this would impact sales. Pérez points out that this increase has been caused by the “great increase in supplier rates“, with prices that went up”up to 150%“, concrete. From the position of Cordoban Snail They point out that “at the beginning a drop in consumption was noted” but that “by explaining the situation to the clientele, they understood it and regular sales returned”. They also remember that “profit margin has been reduced“so as not to affect consumers so much.

However, both Caracol Cordobés and the association agree that it has been a very positive season, especially the month of May. Among the reasons, the good weather stands out, since “he heat intense has not yet arrived and has allowed us to extend the campaign a little”says Pérez. This has more than compensated for the parenthesis that the Easter, where the rain did not give a respite. “They were ten days wastedand it’s a shame because on those dates people go out more and customers come from the towns, who also stop to eat snails,” they say from the Cruz de Juárez stand, where they agree on the analysis: the month of May has compensated for the difficult start.

Customers during snail season.

Despite the fact that in the last month the temperatures have been somewhat milder than usual, the snail collectors agree that a good part of the success of the campaign has been the parties. “By arriving at the Fair, the Patios and the Crosses earlier, it has been a boost for us, which is why it has helped us to open later,” they explain from Caracol Cordobés.

However, even though this Wednesday is officially the last day that snails can be sold, unofficially it was this weekend, with the closing of the last positions. “You need to sell a lot to make a profit, and the moment the clientele drops, you can’t continue,” they clarify from the business located in Santa Rosa. The representative of the sector confirms that “For two weeks practically all the stalls have closed”.

The most classic snail recipes coexist with the most innovative ones.

On the other hand, this year maintained the rise of snail recipes outside the traditionalsince “the classic ones attract the most experienced, while the experimental ones are highly requested by young people,” corroborates Pérez.

Dialogue table with the City Council

Another of the issues that marked the beginning of the season were the administrative problems for setting up businesses. In the month of February, Cristian Pérez assured that there was “excessive bureaucracy”. On this matter, he has confirmed that For the month of September there will be a dialogue table with the Córdoba City Councilwith the purpose of “avoid last minute problems like this year.” In it, they will also transfer their proposals for 2025“because it is something unique to Córdoba,” recalls the president of the association, who clarifies that “We as associates still have to sit down to agree on ideas what we want to propose.”


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