Punta and Cittadini go to the Legislature today to talk about school infrastructure

Punta and Cittadini go to the Legislature today to talk about school infrastructure
Punta and Cittadini go to the Legislature today to talk about school infrastructure

This afternoon, at 3:00 p.m., an important meeting will be held in the Legislature, in which the Minister of Education, José Luis Punta, and the Minister of Infrastructure, Nicolás Cittadini, will participate. This call responds to a request from the opposition, as reported by deputy Sonia Cavagnini in an interview with Radio Activa on FM EL CHUBUT.

Deputy Cavagnini explained that this meeting is held in compliance with article 155 of the organic regulations, which allows the opposition to invite ministers to respond to various concerns. In this case, the main topics will revolve around the building infrastructure of the province’s schools and the progress made from both ministerial portfolios.

“We come to comply with this article of the regulations, at the request of the opposition, so that Ministers José Luis Punta and Nicolás Cittadini can give answers to certain topics that they are asking to know,” said Cavagnini.

The meeting will also address the current state of schools in terms of infrastructure, an issue that has raised concerns among opposition MPs. During last Saturday’s management report, some progress was already mentioned, but the opposition considers a more detailed discussion necessary.

“The reality is that since December 10 we have been working hard to restore schools that were in poor condition. Although much progress has been made, it seems that it is not enough for some, but we are here to explain and show the transparency of this Government,” said the representative.

In addition to infrastructure issues, Minister Punta is expected to present the literacy plan, an ambitious project designed to recover the learning lost over the last six years. This plan was already publicly presented a few days ago, but a detailed update will be provided and MPs’ questions answered.

Deputy Cavagnini also addressed the issue of heating in educational establishments, a critical issue with the arrival of winter. She indicated that an exhaustive survey has been carried out and that the necessary heating equipment is being replaced to ensure the proper functioning of the schools.

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