At the event for the Flag, Milei once again called for the signing of the Pact on July 9

Thursday 6/20/2024


Last update 13:04

A strong control operation received President Javier Milei at the Flag Monument that stands in the city of Rosario, where this Thursday the national day of the Homeland banner was commemorated with an event that had a significant turnout of people and that returned to have the presence of a national leader: the last time was in 2017, during the government of Mauricio Macri.

There the President, accompanied by the Secretary General Karina Milei, was received by the governor of Santa Fe Maximiliano Pullaro and the mayor of the host city, Pablo Javkin, who led the event in an imposing setting: the one offered by the Monument located on the edge of the Paraná River, and on a cool but unbeatable day.

After 9 o’clock, Vice President Victoria Villarruel, who was applauded upon her arrival, and the almost full national cabinet were already there. Milei was expected to arrive in the province with ministers from her team and, in fact, the Human Capital authorities, Sandra Pettovello, were there; of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondino; of Health, Mario Russo; of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona; of Defense, Luis Petri; of Security, Patricia Bullrich, and the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos. The head of Economy, Luis Caputo, was not part of the game.

Along with them was the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, a key piece in the partisan group that La Libertad Avanza has been developing throughout the country and that a couple of weeks ago passed, with that objective, through the capital of Santa Fe. .

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In front of the authorities of the provincial and municipal cabinet, provincial legislators of both chambers and national representatives in Congress, as well as councilors of the southern city, the Argentine flag was raised with the verses of “Aurora” chanted a cappella by authorities and public.

The ceremony was well attended by residents of Rosario and surely by those who were walking through the city to take advantage of the extra long weekend. Of course, those who arrived early in the morning near the Monument, with the idea of ​​approaching the stage from where the authorities would speak, found themselves with a strong security operation. And those who had been accredited to cover the event went through successive controls until they reached the space designated for the press.

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A strong Gendarmerie presence was deployed at the scene to prevent any overflow. Thus, Milei’s arrival and departure from the sector intended for protocol activity were under control the entire time; encapsulated, you could say.

As the morning went by, the green sector of the ravine, located immediately south of the Flag Monument (in front of the Vasallo Palace, headquarters of the Rosario Council), progressively filled with people. A significant number of people began to settle behind the fences. And more arrived from other points close to the epicenter of the event, many with light blue and white flags and ready to cheer each paragraph of the brief presidential speech that was, by the way, much more moderate than usual.


There, Milei launched a new call to all political sectors to sign the May Pact on July 9 in Tucumán. In a speech that was broadcast on the national network, the head of state asked to put aside partisan differences to work on making Argentina a world power again.

“I want to take advantage of this day with the Argentine flag flying in the sky, with the sanction of the Bases Law and the fiscal package already advanced, to convene all the national authorities, the governors, the former presidents, the members of the Supreme Court, businessmen and workers to meet on the night of July 9 in Tucumán to sign the May Pact,” invited the president, thus reviving the call he made on March 1 at the inauguration of the regular session of the National Congress.

As is known, the May Pact requires the approval of the two laws that the national government defines as “foundational” of its management. Both had half a sanction from Deputies, received changes in the Senate and will be discussed again in the coming days by the Lower House.

This is the process that Milei hopes to unblock before concluding the Pact that, in principle, was scheduled for May 25 in Córdoba, but which has now been deferred to the next national date.

“I dream that we will once again occupy the role that we once knew how to achieve, to achieve that dream of a prosperous and free Argentina,” said the President and added: “It is essential that those of us who share the cause of freedom put aside the partisan blinders, get rid of of particular interests and work to establish the economic order that Argentina needs to once again be a world power.

“I want this year to be remembered as the turning point in which we became great again,” he closed before his characteristic cry of “Long live freedom, damn it” to which he added this time “Long live the Homeland.”

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