the 800 thousand pesos, what his mother said and the three-star hotel

the 800 thousand pesos, what his mother said and the three-star hotel
the 800 thousand pesos, what his mother said and the three-star hotel

After four days of maximum anguish for the 13-year-old teenager from Berisso who disappeared this week while going to school in La Plata, relief came this Friday.

Official sources confirmed to EL DIA that the minor was found in Mar del Plata. “She was in a hotel,” they detailed.

As reported, AFM, a teenager who lost track of her on Tuesday at noon between the cities of Berisso and La Plata, had barely managed to reconstruct part of her movements. Until she reached a blind spot, she triggered all the alerts.

It had been through the records that marked the SUBE card and some security cameras that a section of the route was opened. He had left his house to go to the bus stop, at 60 and 143, where he got to a 202, but far from getting off at school (he goes to Albert Thomas), that is, in the area of ​​1 and 60, he did so. shortly after starting the route, at 60 and 124.

As Karina, her mother, said yesterday, when leading a new mobilization asking for help, “she stopped at 60 and 124, because that’s where the school she went to before is.”

800 thousand pesos and three star hotel

The minor was found in a three-star hotel in Mar del Plata, the Gran Hotel Manila, located in the Luro and Corrientes area. It is currently unknown whether she was in the company of an adult. The same sources reported that she is unharmed.

Her mother, who reported her disappearance, had reported that her daughter allegedly took 800 thousand pesos from her before leaving her house, with a file initiated by UFI No. 17 in charge of María Eugenia di Lorenzo.

The minor’s mother had appeared last Tuesday at the Person Search Office of the DDI of La Plata. There, she reported that shortly after 10 AM, her daughter left the family clothing store in Berisso, where she was with her grandmother, to go to school, located on 1st Street in La Plata. Until then, everything is normal. Shortly after, her mother returned to her house. There, she found that 800 thousand pesos were missing from her belongings. She called the school: she discovered that her daughter had not gone to class.

Thus, he waited for his daughter to return at the usual time, but she never appeared. The minor’s phone was in the house. Her mother had taken it from her, according to herself, as punishment for her bad behavior.

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