Milei told why he “ejected” Posse from the Government and attacked the “Egyptian liberals” who question his economic policy

Milei told why he “ejected” Posse from the Government and attacked the “Egyptian liberals” who question his economic policy
Milei told why he “ejected” Posse from the Government and attacked the “Egyptian liberals” who question his economic policy


MADRID.- The president Javier Milei This Friday he received the award granted by the Juan de Mariana Instituteat the closing of the “freedom dinner” organized at the Madrid Casino. There he attacked the “Egyptian liberals” who criticize his economic decisions, attacked the press who -as he said- “speaks evil” about him, revealed that Nicolas Posse “He was expelled from the government because he did not meet the objectives,” and attacked opposition leaders such as Axel Kicillofwhom he nicknamed “the Soviet.”

In his speech thanking him for the award, Milei contrasted Kicillof with the head of the City government, Jorge Macri, with whom he said he had “an excellent relationship.” She mentioned them to explain the State’s debt stock and the challenges ahead to organize the financial system. He promised a system of “free currency competition”, once the exchange rate can be unified. He insisted that he will reform the law so that it is a crime against humanity to issue currency from the central bank.

Before a sympathetic audience, the President accused politics of putting a spanner in the works and of taking measures – such as the approval of the project to reform the pension update formula – that increased the Country Risk. “But I’m not going to change. They are going to have to kill me so that there is a fiscal deficit. “They are going to have to take me out of the Casa Rosada”he emphasized, to applause, in the main hall of the Madrid Casino.

Javier Milei this Friday in Madridvideo capture

In addition, Milei was also very complimentary of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich. “Today in Argentina the street is no longer for violent people. “He who riots goes to prison,” he stated, in relation to the marches called against the Government and the protocol applied by his former electoral rival.

For the first time, meanwhile, he explained why he Nicolas Posse of the Chief of Staff. She did so while defending the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello. “She is a friend of mine and she is honest, but she does not stay because she is a friend, as some say. The Chief of Staff who was ejected was also a friend of mine, for 18 years. He did not meet his objectives and track. Outside!”.

In another staunch defense of his economic policy, Milei acknowledged the blow of the recession but said he avoided an additional 10 points of GDP decline. “We knew it was going to be hard, but we had to take this path.” She defended his program on social matters: “The country did not explode. I know that anti-poverty programs generate more poverty. But we decided to change the paradigm. “We don’t give fish to people, but teach them how to fish and maybe have their own fishing company.”.

The attacks against the liberals continued in Milei’s speech. “There are liberals who are sold out and get paid for lying,” she accused during the dinner at the Juan de Mariana Institute. He complained about economists who question the quality of his measures, which he called “trim sommeliers” and “serial screwers”. Later he attacked the government of Alberto Fernández, without naming him. He said they left him an explosive inheritance: “They wanted us to go liberated.

Javier Milei received a gift painting in Madrid, Spainvideo capture

An episode of the electoral campaign aroused suspicions among those present at the awards dinner of Milei. “It was the dirtiest campaign in history. You wanted to see a video of me anywhere in the world and it seemed to you that I was doing some atrocity. “These things were raised by people even though they knew they were lies,” she said. And he continued: “One of those lies that a person, linked to liberalism, took, almost killed our candidate for Minister of Education. “That he had heart problems and almost sent him away… Because of something that one of our people leaked.” He did not explain who he was referring to or what the leak was.

In his speech before the Juan de Mariana Institute, Milei questioned those who question him from the purity of liberalism. “You don’t zigzag because you’re stupid. One finds wells and avoids them. Political opponents shoot too,” he said. “Also, since we cut the pattern, The media spends all their time talking bad about us.. And they appear egyptian liberals: on the one hand they defend freedom and on the other they sell the patent of marque to the highest bidder. You have to deal with lies and so on.”

“The donkeys who say we raised taxes lie”Milei insisted during his speech. She reiterated the announcement that she plans to lower the PAIS Tax from 17.5% to 7.5% once the Bases Law is in force, which must be reviewed by the Chamber of Deputies.

Milei at the time of the speechvideo capture

For Milei, Argentina could aspire to be like Germany in 35 years. “I don’t like being like Germany’s economic freedom.”, he said and praised the Irish model: “It was the country with the greatest economic freedom. “We are going to be free like Ireland, we are going to be the freest country in the world and the most prosperous in the world.” The statement, which he did not expand on, is curious, because it is given hours before leaving for Hamburg, where he will receive another award, and Berlin, where he will meet the social democratic chancellor, Olaf Sholz.

At the end of his speech, Milei recounted part of his dialogues with the businessman Elon Musk. He explained that the founder of Tesla is concerned about the decline in the birth rate, which he linked to the liberalization of abortion. “At one point he tells me: ‘We have to work to end this brainwashing.’ There are some idiots who call me conservative for being against abortion. No, I am truly liberal because I am against murderers,” he said. And he continued: “Musk tells me: ‘We have to start bringing children into the world.’ I told him that I have 5, but he replied: ‘Yes, but the four-legged ones don’t count.’”


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