Río Cuarto elects mayor, but there are no libertarian candidates related to Milei

Río Cuarto elects mayor, but there are no libertarian candidates related to Milei
Río Cuarto elects mayor, but there are no libertarian candidates related to Milei


CORDOVA.- Fourth quarter, The second city and alternate capital of Córdoba, will elect its future mayor tomorrow. The municipal elections open the province’s electoral calendar. The city is governed by Cordoba Peronism since 2016. On this occasion the ruling party is divided, with Guillermo de Rivas, from We do for Córdoba, the candidate supported by the governor Martin Llaryora.

Rivas will have as his main challengers to the Primero Río Cuarto candidate, the radical Gonzalo Parodi, and to Adriana Nazario, ex-partner of José Manuel de la Sota and close to Sergio Massa. In total, they will compete ten lists.

Despite the good performance of the president Javier Milei in Córdoba – he led both the first presidential round (35% of the votes) and the second, with 73.21% -, La Libertad Avanza (LLA) will not have a candidate with that seal in the municipal election. It was going to be the rally driver and businessman Gastón González, but he did not appear on the registers.

Gabriel Bornoroni and Karina Milei

In Córdoba, the LLA seal is in the hands of the national deputy Gabriel Bornoroni. In Río Cuarto, for the Libertarian Party, the candidate will be Mario Lamberghini, supported by the provincial legislator Agustín Spaccesiwho, although he is from LLA, integrates an internal sector different from that of the ruling party.

The surveys that circulated in the previous They showed a “fought” election between Parodi and De Rivas. Llaryora made several visits to the “Empire of the South”, the last one before the election was last Wednesday, when he presented the agreement with the Nation by which the province will take charge of the works of the highway between Holmberg and Río Cuarto. He did not reach an agreement with Nazario, whom he did not mention in his speech. She wanted to head the list and the governor did not accept that possibility. They leaned towards De Rivas, with the risk that the division of votes with Nazario implies losing the city.

A few days ago, the official candidate added the support of the former governor Juan Schiarettiwho through the networks said: “With Guillermo Río Cuarto he will continue to improve. As a team, things are achieved much better. De Rivas is going to make the city progress much more.”

Former governor Juan Schiaretti

Even the national representative Natalia de la Sota, who maintains differences with the provincial ruling party, leaned towards De Rivas: “My father would have said: ‘let’s try to go together.’ I have no doubt that if José Manuel De La Sota were here today he would say that the Justicialist candidate is Guillermo De Rivas.”

with the alliance Together for Change (JxC) unarmed, Parodi is confident of maintaining the flow of votes from the last two elections, which ranged between 32.7% and 35.5%, although in both cases it was a defeat. “You grow from there,” they trust in their sector. They preferred to “municipalize” the campaign, beyond highlighting the collaboration they have Luis Judge.

Everyone has expectations how many voters will turn out to vote. In 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, barely 50% of the voters voted; In 2016 it was 62%, also a low participation compared to previous ones.

Adriana Nazario was the wife of the deceased former governor José Manuel De la SotaSota Press

In addition to Parodi, De Rivas, Nazario and Lamberghini, the candidates are Pablo Carrizo (Developmental Consciousness), Andrea Casero (Córdoba Neighborhood Meeting), Gustavo Dovis (Humanist Party), Nicolás Forlani (Respect Party- Viva Río Cuarto), Rolando Hurtado (Pro ), and Lorena Rojas (Left Front and Workers Unity).

The campaign closings of the three main candidates had the objective of getting closer to the neighbors. De Rivas took a bike ride around the city and stated that it is “time to harvest everything we have sown in the last eight years. A new stage begins and you will see me working every day.”

Parodi chose a walk through Plaza Roca and was confident that he would win on Sunday: “We are going to give them a very strong message, telling them ‘look guys you have come this far, people are fed up, people are rotten.’ The message that we are going to give them on Sunday is that they are going to leave, because they did not understand that the Argentine Republic changed, that the Province changed and that Río Cuarto is going to change.”.

Nazario also chose a square for a chocolate party. He asked that they accompany her with the vote because The city “has been behind for years.” and they have passed Villa María and San Francisco to us, simply because we stayed. When we develop our government program we are going to add people who coincide with our goals.”

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