This is how the peak and plaque will look in Bucaramanga starting in July. Check what day it is

This is how the peak and plaque will look in Bucaramanga starting in July. Check what day it is
This is how the peak and plaque will look in Bucaramanga starting in July. Check what day it is


He beak and plate is one of the determinations what are you looking for speed up traffic flow in the municipalities of the metropolitan area Bucaramanga; the big news in 2024is that the vehicular restriction is now applied in 4 suburban townsthat is, apart from the capital of Santanderthe drivers from Floridablanca, Girón and Piedecuesta They must accept the measure. Every day, between Monday and Saturday come out of circulation a number of vehicles which is equivalent to the fifth of automobiles that roll through these cities.

The news is that with the arrival of the second half of 2024 one comes new rotation of the beak and plate. The Traffic Department Bucaramanga issued a communication in which he warns of the changes that they are going to produce starting on Monday, the first holiday of July. However, in practice, the modifications will be effective from Tuesday, July 2 because during the holidays it does not apply the restriction.

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With the rotationthe drivers must attend to the following indication to prevent them impose summons. He peak change and plate leave it like this panorama According to the data provided by the municipalities of the metropolitan area:

This is how the beak and plate look

MONDAY: 3 and 4

TUESDAY: 5 and 6

WEDNESDAY: 7th and 8th

THURSDAY: 9 and 0

FRIDAY: 1 and 2

Saturday programming

The saturdays will rotate as follows:

Saturday June 29: 9 and 0

Saturday, July 6: 1 and 2

Saturday, July 13: 3 and 4

Saturday, July 20: There is no because it is a holiday.

Saturday July 27; 7 and 8

Saturday August 3; 9 and 0

Saturday, August 10: 1 and 2

Saturday, August 17: 3 and 4

Saturday August 24: 5 and 6

Saturday, August 31: 7 and 8

Saturday, September 7: 9 and 0

Saturday, September 14: 1 and 2

Saturday, September 21: 3 and 4

Saturday, September 28: 5 and 6


The Bucaramanga Transit Directorate issued the resolution 627 in 2023 through which some exemptions for vehicle drivers that are registered in the city.

The document states:

FIRST ARTICLE: EXONERATE for the term of Twelve (12) months of the peak and license plate vehicle restriction measureduring the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PMto the private service motor vehiclesr (except motorcycles) that enroll and/or file your account in Bucaramanga Transit Directoratestarting January 2, 2024 and until the thirty-first (31) day of December 2024.

SECOND ARTICLE: The twelve (12) months what this resolution is about, will be counted from the date of registration of the vehicle registered in the traffic license and for account filing it will be from the filing date which will be demonstrated with the issued document by the entity.

THIRD ARTICLE: The present resolution governs from two (2) of January 2024 and will be valid until on December 31, 2024, and repeals all provisions that are contrary to it.

Since before the expedition of the resolution it was already known that the electric vehicles and of zero emissions were exempt from the vehicle restriction as a way to encourage purchasing this type of automotive.

Also read: Vehicle tax defaulters will have an 80% discount in Santander

The Bucaramanga Transit Directorate highlights that it is “important to note that the city ​​in addition to being the capital of the Department of Santander is the main origin-destination point of the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga, where, as presented in the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Mobility Master Planin the metropolitan area They make approximately 956 thousand trips on a typical day, of which 512,000 originate in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga and 500,000 have the same destination.”

Take into account that this restriction will maintain its usual hours from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. Monday to Friday and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Skip the measure of Peak and Plate is a infringement to the standards of transit which carries a fine equivalent to 15 SMDLV and the immobilization of the vehicle.

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