The Permanent Education Board of the Central Region was launched in Santa Fe, Córdoba and Entre Ríos

The Permanent Education Board of the Central Region was launched in Santa Fe, Córdoba and Entre Ríos
The Permanent Education Board of the Central Region was launched in Santa Fe, Córdoba and Entre Ríos

Commission meetings were held at the Government House of Córdoba to discuss the main educational policies of each province.

This Monday, the Ministers of Education of Santa Fe, José Goity, of Córdoba, Horacio Ferreyra, and the head of the General Council of Education of Entre Ríos, Alicia Fregonese, signed the act that made official the creation of the Permanent Board of Education of the Center Region. This table is chaired by the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro. The meeting took place at the Government House of Córdoba and was attended by representatives of the Executive Board of the Central Region: Claudia Giaccone for Santa Fe, Juan Carlos Massei for Córdoba, and Jorge Chemes for Entre Ríos.

Read more: Given the possibility of a new teaching strike, Goity warned that “they are evaluating discounting the days not worked”

The constitution of the table was preceded by a ministerial plenary session and work in commissions, where officials from the Ministries of Education of the three provinces participated. During the plenary session, the priority educational policies of each province were discussed, while the commissions addressed topics such as literacy, monitoring of the educational trajectory, evaluation, teacher training, and the relationship between education, work and production in Santa Fe, Entre Ríos and Córdoba.

In this context, Goity highlighted that “This is a leap in institutional quality for us who are public managers and who make public policy. These types of tools and instruments are very useful to us because they allow us to have a clear view and federal policy.”

“Having instances like this allows us to build institutionality. Today we are faced with a challenge that is to transform and, at the same time, institutionalize. “We are building collaborative tools that generate a higher level of integration and we must institutionalize them”Goity concluded.

For his part, Ferreyra highlighted the importance of “consolidate achievements and carry out the necessary transformations. Putting all this together leads us to great changes, because we begin to see that what was done in one place can go in another and vice versa.”

Finally, Fregonese stated that in the province “Today we have a great challenge, which is the evaluation of students, knowing the system and what happens. We understand that literacy is the door to other knowledge. If we cannot guarantee literacy, we are denying them the most important tool, which is understanding and completing their school career.”

Access to education

Next, Giaccone stressed the importance of “have a univocal voice. We want to generate a joint mechanism of statistics, data, processes and evaluations related to educational and productive issues to work forward.”

For his part, Massei highlighted the existence of “a very important will of the three governors to consolidate the integration of the Central Region. For that we need each of the areas to be able to develop because it is the will of the governors to carry out this task of the permanent tables in each of the topics.”

Finally, Chemes maintained that education is “the tool that makes us all equal, that strengthens the development of human beings and that allows them to carry out the objectives they set. Therefore, it is an obligatory task of the State to provide the possibilities for everyone to have access to education in an equal and adequate manner.”

Strengthening federalism

In April of this year, the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, assumed the Pro Tempore Presidency of the regional bloc that they make up with the governor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora and of Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio, and which aims to be a model of development from the productive interior.

Throughout these months, the Productive Cabinet met; The Permanent Security Committee, the Permanent Committee on Labour, Employment and Social Security, Health and Social Policies were developed; The 1st Conference of the Occupational Health and Safety Center Region was held. In addition, a meeting took place with the authorities of the Electrical Sector of the Central Region and the highest authorities of the regional bloc have successfully participated in the Meeting of the Productive Cabinet as well as the recent Agroactiva, key samples to promote joint productive development from Santa Fe, Córdoba and Entre Ríos.

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