Justice could overthrow the libertarian party in Río Negro and Karina’s armed forces enter into crisis

Justice could overthrow the libertarian party in Río Negro and Karina’s armed forces enter into crisis
Justice could overthrow the libertarian party in Río Negro and Karina’s armed forces enter into crisis

The federal judge of Río Negro Hugo Horacio Greca accepted the complaint filed last Wednesday by Ariel Zúñiga, a former collaborator of the libertarian deputy Lorena Villaverde, for forging signatures on the promotional board to set up the La Libertad Avanza party in that province. .

Along with that decision, the magistrate decided to ask the authorities of the board to present the original minutes, from which he must apply a calligraphic expertise to determine if the rubrics are apocryphal, and there is speculation that the party could collapse.

As reported by LPO, the formation of this structure was involved in a scandal from the beginning due to the presentation of trout adhesions but, now, the situation threatens to bury the plans of Karina Milei, who intended to have five provinces where LLA would be operational for the elections. mid-term. If Greca determines that the signatures are false, the procedures for party formation could be declared void and the restart of this process would require longer periods than those available before the formalization necessary for electoral competition.

For that reason, territorial sources told LPO that “the party is falling.” The desperation of the libertarians would be so high that Martín Iriarte, one of the 9 members of the promoting board, resigned.

Zúñiga’s complaint warned that, in addition to having stolen his own signature, the party had forged another one. Suspicions are that Iriarte would have been a victim of this falsification.

LPO consulted Villaverde’s entourage about the judicial measure but, at the time of writing this article, had not received responses.

The situation could get complicated for the libertarian legislator because, given the complaints about trout affiliations and apocryphal signatures, any other party could challenge her. “Villaverde is left without a party and she wanted to be a candidate for senator but she is going to have to ask someone else for the seal,” they told LPO.

The anger against the deputy who was entrusted by the President’s sister with armed partisans is growing even within the libertarian ranks. “Villaverde was given ANSES, Pami, Vialidad Nacional and the CNRT but he couldn’t put together the party,” they complained.

Judge Greca’s ruling by LPO

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