Secondary students from Corrientes and Chaco will do internships in UNNE Engineering – CHACODIAPORDIA.COM

The Dean of the Faculty, Mario Eduardo De Bortoli, and the rectors of the School of Technical Education No. 12 “María Rosa Almandoz”, Professor Hugo Orlando Haiss and the School Institute “Pio XI” of the City of Corrientes, Professor Néstor Gustavo Lorenzo, agreed to sign two documents within the framework of the Framework Agreement for collaboration and reciprocal cooperation between each provincial Ministry of Education and the National University of the Northeast. De Bortoli was accompanied by the Secretary of Student Integration, Hemilce García Solá and by professor Gisela Álvarez y Álvarez.

Objectives of the Agreement

Among the objectives of the institutional linkage, student internships are planned, in which instances of “meeting and feedback” will be generated, with productive sectors that allow strengthening the training processes of secondary education students.

All under the organization, control and supervision of the educational unit to which they belong, in full accordance with the curricular proposal that the student receives, the authorities involved specified.

The signing of the Minutes took place with the presence of authorities from other schools, who were invited, such as Silvia Gómez, Supervisor of Technical and Professional Education, Daniel Zacarías Director EET No. 20 of the town of Tres Isletas, Vicente Navarrete director of the EEA No. 6, from the town of El Sauzalito and Maximiliano Ceschan, EEA Director No. 252, from the “El Retiro” area in the town of Miraflores, all from the Province of Chaco. Also part of the event were PIO XI student Bautista Fariña Lotero, along with his father, and teacher Teresa Romero.


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