Proyecto Hombre Córdoba increases its help to 3,876 people in 2023 – Córdoba

Proyecto Hombre Córdoba increases its help to 3,876 people in 2023 – Córdoba
Proyecto Hombre Córdoba increases its help to 3,876 people in 2023 – Córdoba

In a significant effort to address the problem of addictions in Córdoba, Proyecto Hombre has notably increased its reach and effectiveness in the last year. According to recently presented data, the organization served 1,355 people in its addiction treatment programs last year, compared to 700 people served in 2022. This increase reflects not only an increase in demand for services, but also the improved ability of the institution to reach those who need help.

Main Addictions in Córdoba

The most common addictions among Cordobans seeking treatment at Proyecto Hombre continue to be cocaine and alcohol. Despite growing concern about new drugs that are wreaking havoc in other countries, such as fentanyl, their presence in Córdoba has been minimal. Jesús Tamayo, director of Proyecto Hombre Córdoba, commented that only one case of fentanyl was recorded in the last year, highlighting that this drug has not had a significant impact in the region.

Expansion of Services

The annual report of Proyecto Hombre, presented at the Palacio de Congresos, reveals that a total of 3,876 people in Córdoba and its province received some type of help or treatment from the organization. This number includes both those in treatment programs and those in prevention initiatives. The Expansion of services has allowed the organization to reach a greater number of peoplewithout this necessarily implying an increase in the incidence of addictions, but rather an improvement in the response capacity thanks to the resources and public aid received.

Focus on vulnerable groups

Over the past year, Proyecto Hombre has placed special emphasis on serving vulnerable groups, including women, homeless people, and the prison population. Tamayo highlighted that women face unique challenges in their fight against addictions, such as greater psychological pressure and family responsibilities, which make it difficult for them to access treatments. To address these barriers, the organization has implemented specific programs that facilitate women’s path to recovery.

The expansion of services has allowed the organization to reach a greater number of people

Collaborations and support

Coinciding with the International Day to Fight Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the presentation of the report included the participation of various local authorities. Among them, Dolores Sánchez, delegate of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality of the Junta de Andalucía in Córdoba; Berta Aparicio, manager of the Provincial Institute of Social Welfare of Córdoba; and Eva Contador, delegate of Social and Senior Services of the Córdoba City Council. This institutional support has been crucial to consolidate and expand Proyecto Hombre’s lines of work.

Impact and future

64.16% of the people served in 2023 came from the province of Córdoba, which underlines the importance of the organization’s work in rural areas. The diversity of programs offered, ranging from addiction treatment to prevention and support in situations of vulnerability, has allowed for more comprehensive and effective care.

Tamayo stressed the need to continue advancing in the knowledge and treatment of addictions in women, pointing out that female addictions are often related not only to cocaine, but also to alcohol and the misuse of anxiolytics and antidepressants initially prescribed by doctors.

Support to the community

Within the framework of continuous efforts to combat addictions, Córdoba City Council has announced the allocation of 100,000 euros to the expansion of Hogar Renacer, an initiative that will add 16 additional places to help people in situations of social exclusion. This support is a reflection of the commitment of the community and local authorities to effectively address the problem of addictions and its social consequences.

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