Earthquake and tsunami drill announced in Tarapacá

Earthquake and tsunami drill announced in Tarapacá
Earthquake and tsunami drill announced in Tarapacá

The Provincial Delegate of Tamarugal, Camila Castillo, together with the Regional Director of SENAPRED, Patricia Montenegro, announced the details of the earthquake and tsunami drill that will be carried out on Wednesday, August 7 in the communes of Iquique and Huara, covering from the town of Pisagua to the Loa.

The meeting, held in the Tarapacá Delegation, was attended by sector representatives, members of the regional COGRID, mayors, seremis, industrial associations, taxis, buses and the Chamber of Commerce, among other organizations. During the session, the authorities highlighted the importance of this initiative for the preparation of citizens and public services in the event of emergencies.

“The invitation is to citizens to be able to find out about the drill on August 7, to actively participate, because it is very important when at some point we have to face an emergency situation,” said Delegate Camila Castillo.

Patricia Montenegro, Director of SENAPRED Tarapacá, added that “it is essential to always be prepared, inform yourself through official channels and participate in this exercise that seeks to strengthen capacities and instill a preventive culture in our communities.”

The drill, which will be activated with the siren system on the regional coastline, will have the support of Firefighters, Police and Ambulances. In addition, the Emergency Alert System for cell phones (SAE) will notify the population about the start and end of the exercise, ensuring a coordinated and effective response.

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