Marcelo Moisés will be the new president of the Mayors’ Forum – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Marcelo Moisés will be the new president of the Mayors’ Forum – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
Marcelo Moisés will be the new president of the Mayors’ Forum – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

The mayor of Apolinario Saravia heads the only list for the renewal of authorities of the Mayors’ Forum.

The Forum of Mayors of the Province of Salta entered the period of renewal of authorities. The different communal leaders reached a consensus, and the unity list is headed by Marcelo Moisés.

In dialogue with New dairyMoisés highlighted the figure of who will be his predecessor, Daniel Moreno. “His two periods were very good. Before the Forum it was divided, always with political disagreements, and Daniel managed to have a united Forum,” he said.

The unity list was put together with consensus, affirming that there is a single joint objective for the mayors, and respecting ideologies and political parties.

“It is what we always call political maturity. Once people choose you, you have to set goals and put differences aside,” he stated.

The Forum Assembly will be on July 12, where Moisés’ presidency will be confirmed. Likewise, he announced that the first vice president will be Efrain Orozcoof the Lane, and Elizabeth Sanchez, of La Viña, as first vice president.

“I am going to work in the same way that I worked with Daniel, we are going to communicate with each of the members of the list. We are going to make a fairly participatory commission,” he stated.

The management axes for the Mayors’ Forum

As for the lines that will be followed in his administration, he said that they will continue working with the identity of each of the towns without leaving aside axes that they have already been working on, such as transportation or the administration of resources.

Another point that stood out is mining. In the Forum, the mayor Daniel Ponce (El Tala) is working on the issue regarding the labor pool, and will be joined Lino Yonar (Campo Quijano), who will take over as secretary, and Sergio Villanueva (Tolar Grande).

“It is essential, we are going to need more than 300 thousand people working in the mines and we want them to be from Salta. “We want mining in Salta for the people of Salta, and that is what we are working on,” he stated.

As an example, he announced that one of his proposals will be that mining companies must hire people from Salta who have resided in Salta for a minimum of three years. Also, they will continue with training plans to generate more qualified labor.

Regarding the situation of waste treatment, he indicated that it will be an area that Moreno will continue to work on, understanding that it is a problem that affects the vast majority of municipalities.

Along with this, Moisés indicated that they also maintain great concern about the treatment of sewage waste.

Finally, he maintained that the fundamental line he wants to work on is the productivity of the municipalities, with the objective that each locality becomes financially self-sustaining and improves its own collections.

“We want to unify tax rates, lowering them, but also optimizing their collection,” he commented as one of the actions to carry out.

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