English teacher who allegedly abused several students in schools in Cundinamarca was sent to jail

English teacher who allegedly abused several students in schools in Cundinamarca was sent to jail
English teacher who allegedly abused several students in schools in Cundinamarca was sent to jail

Eight students from different educational centers in Cundinamarca would have been victims of the older adult, who would have taken advantage of his position as a teacher to abuse them, indicated the Prosecutor’s Office – credit Attorney General’s Office

The English teacher who, at the request of the Attorney General’s Office, was sent to prison as a preventive measure in the midst of the judicial process being carried out against the teacher, who was accused by the entity, was identified as José Alirio Useche Vanegas. investigator of having sexually abused several students from different educational establishments in the department of Cundinamarca.

After the decision, which was known during the morning of Wednesday, June 26, some gruesome details were revealed about the actions that the educator carried out using his position and authority within the schools.in order to “subject them to different acts against freedom, integrity and sexual formation,” explained the accusing body.

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The decision to send the English teacher to jail was made by a guarantee control judge, who reached that determination after evaluating some of the evidence presented by the Prosecutor’s Office, and which shows how the teacher used of his position and made sexual advances to the minors by sending them videos with explicit content.

What has shocked Cundinamarca the most after hearing about the case is that This subject would have gone through several schools throughout his 13-year career as an educator.

In fact, the man’s capture took place in the municipality of Zipaquirá, but it was a prosecutor from the Funza Sexual Crimes Unit who charged Useche Vanegas with the crimes of sexual acts with a minor under 14 years of age, de facto insults and sexual harassment, charges the professor did not accept charges.

The English teacher took advantage of his position and made advances to his students by sending them videos with explicit content – credit @FiscaliaCol/X

One of the details that has most outraged the educational community in the department, and for the minors to inform parents and authorities about what was happening, is that Useche Vanegas was pointed out by some of his victims. of “posing as a member of an illegal armed group to intimidate them and prevent them from reporting him.”

According to what the Prosecutor’s Office detailed, there would be a total of eight cases that have been documented against the English teacher, who will remain behind bars while the process progresses with him seeking an exemplary sentence and for this to serve as a precedent to prevent More minors in Cundinamarca, and in the country, are victims of chaos like these, which can have a negative impact on the mental health of minors.

  1. Changes in behavior: isolation, aggression, anxiety, depression or loss of interest in usual activities.
  2. Sleep disturbances: nightmares, insomnia or night fears.
  3. Problems in school performance: difficulties in concentration, decrease in academic performance or refusal to attend classes.
  4. Unexplained physical signs: bruising, bleeding, genital infections or sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Inappropriate sexual knowledge: unusually explicit or sophisticated sexual behavior for their age.
  6. Changes in personal hygiene: excessive concern about personal cleanliness or, on the contrary, neglect of hygiene.
  7. Eating problems: loss of appetite, overeating or eating disorders.
  8. Sudden fears or phobias: fear of certain people, places or situations without an apparent explanation.
  9. Regression to behaviors from previous stages: thumb sucking, bedwetting, or clinging to comfort objects such as stuffed animals.
  10. Withdrawn or hypervigilant behavior: showing excessive fear of making mistakes or extreme changes in sociability.

Between January and March 2024, 1,664 cases of abuse in children and adolescents were registered, according to what the Bogotá councilor, Diana Diago, indicated – credit Sergio Acero/Colprensa

The Attorney General’s Office announced an investigation into teachers and directors of the Gustavo Restrepo school in Bogotá for the alleged sexual abuse of an 11-year-old student. According to the public ministry, The complaints made by the student’s mother are being verified, who alleges that her daughter was the victim of violent sexual assault by a 13-year-old student on campus on June 4.

The supervisory body is also evaluating whether there were other victims and whether the school’s managers activated the mandatory response routes under the law. To clarify the facts, the Attorney General’s Office ordered the collection of relevant evidence.

According to the information provided, A National Police patrol and an ambulance showed up at the educational institution, located in the Rafael Uribe Uribe locality.to verify the health status of the minor once the event is reported.

The disciplinary body also specified that it is verifying whether it is the only violent act perpetrated by the young man – credit Getty Images

Before knowing this decision of the control entity, there was a warning about an alarming increase in cases of sexual violence in schools in Bogotá. According to figures from the capital’s Ministry of Education, between January and March 2024, 1,664 cases of abuse in children and adolescents were registered. This increase has generated concern in the educational community and in the city in general.

The councilor of the Democratic Center, Diana Diago, presented a right to petition that triggered the investigation by the public ministry. In response, the Attorney General’s Office asked Isabel Segovia Ospina, Secretary of Education of Bogotá, for a detailed report on the measures adopted to prevent and address these cases of violence.

The public ministry also demanded an updated report of the cases registered in the Early Warning System, including school aggression, harassment, cyberbullying and other crimes against sexual freedom and integrity. In addition, he questioned the existence of specific protocols to address these cases in educational institutions and compliance with the corresponding ministerial guidelines.

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