The UCR of Entre Ríos calls to “not hesitate”, asks to recover values ​​and charges against Milei – News

The UCR of Entre Ríos calls to “not hesitate”, asks to recover values ​​and charges against Milei – News
The UCR of Entre Ríos calls to “not hesitate”, asks to recover values ​​and charges against Milei – News
To mark the 133rd anniversary of the founding of the UCR, the provincial leadership issued a document in which it distanced itself from the internal sectors closest to Milei’s government.

The Provincial Committee of the UCR distanced itself from “some radicals who suffer from a kind of strabismus and claim that the UCR should modernize its paradigms.” They did not name names, but the allusion is clear to the leadership that shows greater agreement with the government of Javier Milei and that has expressed this with its parliamentary support.

“We are a centenary party and we should not hesitate when it comes to standing up against the encroachments proposed by an improvised national government that often exercises a level of violence that is at the antipodes of what has sustained us as a party,” the leadership states. provincial of the UCR.

“We are convinced that the radical identity must be given by a vision of the State that points to the majorities that today are being extremely harmed and we are going to work with all our strength so that our doctrine does not continue to be diluted and we can advance in the construction of a popular radicalism that once again represents those who in recent years felt attracted to erratic siren songs and characters who are privileging the caste that they say they came to destroy,” they indicated in the party document.

Next year, the UCR of Entre Ríos will put four seats in the National Congress at stake: three in Deputies and one in the Senate. The discussion, beyond the political positions, will go through what will be the alternative electoral structure that will allow it to retain at least half of those four seats.

The full statement

133 years after the founding of the centennial party, we at the Provincial Committee of the Radical Civic Union express:

Leandro N. Alem left us as a flag the cause of the dispossessed and today, 133 years after the founding of the oldest political party in Argentina, the need prevails to reconstruct that vocation and once again represent the most vulnerable sectors of society. .

Our party has militants in every corner of the country, presence in every town and city in Argentina and, despite the passing of the years, it knew how to keep its institutionality and internal democracy valid and full, unlike other political forces in which it rules. cronyism and define their authorities arbitrarily among four or five foremen.

Although some radicals suffer from a kind of strabismus and propose that the UCR must modernize its paradigms, we are convinced that the objective is to strengthen our historical principles, ignite them, give them life again and unite all those who continue to believe in the unwavering defense of a republic with strong institutions, with solid parties and with a present State that defends the interests of Argentines.

We are a centenary party and we must not hesitate when it comes to standing up against the encroachments proposed by an improvised national government that often exercises a level of violence that is at the antipodes of what has sustained us as a party.

We are convinced that the radical identity must be given by a vision of the State that points to the majorities that today are being extremely harmed and we are going to work with all our strength so that our doctrine does not continue to be diluted and we can advance in the construction of a popular radicalism that once again represents those who in recent years felt attracted to erratic siren songs and characters who are privileging the caste they say they came to destroy.

We remember some of the words that the Father of Democracy, Raúl Alfonsín, gave in one of his famous and historic speeches: “We are the Radical Civic Union, which Leandro Alem once said was the cause of the dispossessed. The one that Hipólito Yrigoyen indicated that he should fight for the cause against the fallacious and disbelieving regime. We are the Radical Civic Union that came out to defend public freedoms in Argentina. That of Arturo Illia, who brought austerity to the public administration and ended the ban, who in 1983 led the consolidation of democracy, who sent the military who had violated human rights to justice, who rebuilt the system Argentine educational system, reestablished the University Reform and recovered the international prestige of the Nation.

“We are the Radical Civic Union, which when it believed that the possibility of consolidating democracy for the times was in danger, resigned six months after the end of the government to achieve it with certainty, always taking charge of the Nation, always putting first the responsibility that we have. with the Nation.”

Our past makes us proud and inspires us to once again drive the values ​​that have guided our history.

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