The Communist Party rejected mining projects in La Rioja

The Communist Party rejected mining projects in La Rioja
The Communist Party rejected mining projects in La Rioja

In the last few hours, the La Rioja Communist Party published a document making visible the rejection of mining projects in the Province.

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of La Rioja, Rogelio de Leonardi, in contact with El Independiente Media, said about the document, “they are not telling us the whole truth, there has always been an inculcation typical of de facto governments, inclined to kneel before the empire.” , and nothing justifies that this possibility is used today in the face of the advance of national policies in the hands of Milei in the face of the misfortune that the Argentine people are going through with policies that are also foreignizing. The people of La Rioja do not deserve that fate. We support with all our strength the human groups that move in solitude, in total helplessness, denying and rejecting this possibility, a perspective that runs throughout the continent and which we have to stop. There is no other way. There is no social license for mining exploitation in La Rioja, much less the lithium that the water will consume. I will not talk about quantities, I leave it for the connoisseurs, experts. But as a citizen, it has to do with what happens in Latin America, not just in Argentina.”

He also noted that “this formation of the famous lithium triangle with two sister nations in the north of the country made us a coveted prey of imperialism. If I add to this the valiant fight for Sovereignty in Malvinas, Antarctica Argentina where the North American flag was made through the presence of Milei, it is to think that we have a marked setback and we want to alert Governor Ricardo Quintela that this is not the way . It is not the path like the case of the mayor of Villa Castelli, assist our students impoverished by these policies that have always been carried out with school kits.”

The renowned union member stressed that “the opposition must be today, public expression must be today. “You don’t have to protect yourself from saying it, because tomorrow will be too late.”

Finally, regarding the salary increase recently announced by Quintela, he stated, “it is tiny, believe me it is not to be measured over time, many may say that it is another effort from the Provincial Government but when one sees certain undertakings, they say that they are suspended here the works due to lack of budget and we continue to work with money that belongs to multinationals, we are not going to have good results. Salary increases will never be enough. That does not satisfy, I cannot say that what is announced is satisfactory.”


“The Communist Party of La Rioja warns all the inhabitants of this beloved province that we are very close to entering the regrettable conglomerate of territories plundered by polluting mining, with the plot of the rulers in power.

Imperialism is rearming itself, as is the national-provincial political context, but the interests of mining and the caste in power are the same.

The Communist Party alerts and calls to remain in a permanent assembly with the different organizations that fight for their land, for water and for life; given the progress of mining projects promoted by Governor Quintela.

In his dispute with the anarcho-capitalist president over the people’s funds, he tries to protect the income of money from multinational mega-mining, without a social license.

The delivery of school kits with the approval of the mayors, by the mining companies, to the children of schools in Villa Castelli and Vinchina, is an attempt to deceive the residents that mining is not bad; Even the Ministry of Education of La Rioja highlights the role of Rioja women for mining growth, without caring about the collateral damage that the “chemical soup” used by companies that come into contact with the mine will cause to the environment and the population. air or water.

Megamining has negative consequences on the health of the populations surrounding the exploitations, does not contribute significantly to local economic development and can affect the growth of other non-polluting activities.

We, the communists of La Rioja, denounce the provincial government for imposing on the population that “mining will change our lives”, but it will only do so on promiscuous officials involved in agreements with mega-mining companies. We should highlight the unexpected visit of the US ambassador, the day after a national strike. Is the Kallpa company really state-owned?

The provincial government is betting on the exploitation of lithium as a new development axis. Lithium uses a lot of water and causes great environmental damage. To produce one ton of lithium carbon, half a million liters of brine are evaporated and 30,000 liters of fresh water are used. Governor Quintela knows it, the mining companies do too, the population does NOT.

Commander Fidel Castro already predicted it: “We will closely follow this battle that will once again highlight the need to put an end, not only to the blockade, but to the system that engenders injustice on our planet, squanders its natural resources and puts an end to risk human survival.”

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