Churches, historic center and La Portada: Free tours are once again the protagonists of vacations in La Serena

Every good traveler knows that guided walking tours are the best way to get to know and explore a city, understand its history and the meaning of many of its places. And they are not only done at a more relaxed pace that allows time for that, but they also make the experience of discovery easier thanks to the stories of local experts who provide with their data a unique opportunity to find the perfect place for a photo. Of memory.

This is what the Municipality of La Serena offers with the free tours that, through its Department of Tourism, once again arranged for these days of winter vacation with its free walks through the stone churches, Old Town and through the La Serena stadium. Front page.

“As every year we have this excellent family alternative for these holidays that has been highly valued by people, since through anecdotes and interesting facts they learn much more about La Serena and its identity, so from now on we leave you all invited to be part of them, for which they simply must register by email [email protected]”, explained David Videla, head of the Department of Tourism, who added that the community and visitors can check out the different activities on the municipality’s social networks.

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Stone Churches Tour

One of the most attractive elements of the typical area of ​​La Serena are its churches, which is why this guided tour, which will take place this July 2, starting at 10:30 a.m., is one of the most striking.

“The stone churches keep stories and secrets that make them a very interesting tourist attraction to visit today, making them a must-see, as we value the architectural and religious heritage of Serene,” indicates the professional, who specified that the beginning The route is in the front of the San Francisco Church (Eduardo de La Barra corner Balmaceda), a temple that dates back to 1590.

What makes it special to start there? It is the only one that survived the fire of the pirate Bartholomew Sharp in 1680 when he sacked the city; In 1827 the Casa de Moneda – the only official one that has been installed outside of Santiago in the entire history of Chile – operated in its cloister, and it was occupied in 1851 by soldiers from the north who rose up against political centralism in the Constituent Revolution. Those who register will be able to see this and much more about the other temples.

Old Town Walking Tour

“Discover La Serena Walking” is the name of this tour that is carried out accompanied by El Serenito, a character characterized in the style of the guard of the colonial era, who, while advancing through the streets, tells in a pleasant and entertaining way the origin of the city from the pre-Hispanic period to data on its main square, its buildings and its particular architecture. The scheduled days are: June 29, as well as July 2 and 4. All from 11:00 a.m. with starting point in the patio of the Town Hall Building (Prat 451).

La Portada Stadium Tour

On this guided tour scheduled for July 5th from 2:00 pm, visitors will have the chance to see the different corners of the stadium (Av. Estadio between Amunátegui and Huanhualí), those that most people cannot access, such as the Press Room, the locker rooms, the VIP Lounge with a timeline explaining its entire history, the exit tunnel and the track to get closer to the field of what is considered one of the best sporting giants in the country.

“People are told about the link with Deportes La Serena, which is the oldest club in the north in professional football, but also about the illustrious visits it has received, such as the cast of Chavo del 8 and the group Soda Stereo, in addition to the Copa América, among other milestones that have marked our city and that have had the stadium as a setting,” says Videla, who reiterates that for this and all the tours those interested only have to register by email [email protected]

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